New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

NYSOA PublicationsLast Updated 6/27/24

The Kingbird

The Kingbird List of Back Issues & Sample Articles (beginning with December 1999)
Complete Kingbird Table of Contents beginning with December 1999
The Kingbird online Decennial Index, 1991-2000Introduction    Titles    Authors    Subjects
The Kingbird online Index, 2001-2004Authors    Photographers    Artists    Subjects
Searchable Archive - all issues of The Kingbird since 1950

Kingbird CoverThe Kingbird, a quarterly journal, is devoted exclusively to New York State ornithology. Field reports of rarities, often with photographs, are a regular feature, along with general articles on birds and bird behavior, and good birding areas. A bibliography of New York State ornithology and publication of the actions of NYSARC (New York State Avian Records Committee) are regular features.

No longer are the birds shown in The Kingbird relegated to shades of gray! The recent addition of color photographs is a long-awaited improvement that has been greeted with cheers of joy from all sides.

The most important function of The Kingbird is the seasonal recording by the birders of migration data, and breeding and distributional changes. This data is compiled by a team of ten Regional Editors from information supplied to them by individual birders and presented quarterly according to season. All are encouraged to submit their field observations.

Manuscripts for publication, as well as short notes of even just one or two paragraphs, should be submitted to

Shaibal S. Mitra
Biology Department
College of Staten Island
2800 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314

A subscription to The Kingbird is one of the benefits of NYSOA membership.

Institutional subscriptions to The Kingbird are priced annually on a calendar year basis as follows:
                        $50 to US addresses
                        $60 to Canada and Mexico
                        $70 to all others. 

Contents of the Latest Issue

(see below for list of back issues, linking to individual tables of contents plus some sample articles).

Note:  All issues beginning with June 2002 include Regional Reports, Standard Regional Report Abbreviations and Reporting Deadlines, and Map of Reporting Regions. All issues since July 2008 include a Photo Gallery.

Volume 74 No. 1                                March 2024

Editor’s Note: The names of birds
           Shaibal S. Mitra
Two brown-capped Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)
in Rochester, NY, summer 2023
           Kim Hartquist

Notes and Observations
           Adult Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) feeds nestling and fledged juvenile
           Shaibal S. Mitrar

Patch Birding: Heckscher State Park: The patch at the end of the road
           John Gluth

Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird

Highlights of the Season, Summer 2023
           Michael F. Cooper

  The Kingbird - Tables of Contents & Sample Articles
Index 2001-2004
Ten Year Index 1991-2000

March 2024

December 2023

September 2023

June 2023

March 2023

December 2022
September 2022

June 2022

March 2022
December 2021   
September 2021

June 2021
March 2021
December 2020     
September 2020

June 2020
March 2020     
December 2019 
September 2019

June 2019
March 2019

December 2018

September 2018

June 2018  
March 2018

December 2017  
September 2017
June 2017
March 2017
December 2016 
September 2016

June 2016
March 2016  
December 2015 
September 2015
June 2015
March 2015 
December 2014  
September 2014
June 2014

March 2014
December 2013
September 2013
June 2013
March 2013

December 2012
September 2012
June 2012
March 2012
December 2011
September 2011

June 2011 
March 2011

December 2010  sample article    
September 2010 - sample article
June 2010
March 2010
December 2009 - sample article
September 2009 
June 2009

March 2009  - Read John J. Elliot Award winning Article!
December 2008  - sample article
September 2008
June 2008
March 2008
- 2 sample articles
December 2007
September 2007
June 2007
March 2007

December 2006

September 2006
- 2 sample articles
June 2006
March 2006
December 2005
September 2005 - 2 sample articles
June 2005
March 2005
December 2004
September 2004
June 2004
March 2004 - 3 sample articles
December 2003 - 3 sample articles
September 2003 - 3 sample articles
June 2003
March 2003
December 2002
September 2002 - sample article
June 2002

March 2002 - sample article
December 2001
September 2001
June 2001
March 2001 - sample article
December 2000 - sample article
September 2000
July 2000
March 2000
December 1999 - sample article

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