Tables of Contents & Sample Articles
Volumes 51-54
© 2004
1991-2000 Volumes 41-50
© 2003
Note: All issues beginning with June 2002
include Regional Reports, Standard Regional Report Abbreviations
and Reporting Deadlines, and Map of Reporting Regions.
All issues since July 2008 include a Photo Gallery.
74 No. 4
December 2024 |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. 77th Annual Meeting, September 15, 2024 |
Notes and Observations
An American Flamingo at Georgica Pond, Suffolk County, New York, 31 May 2024
Shaibal S. Mitra
Experiencing a total eclipse and its effect on wildlife
A compilation by Patricia J. Lindsay |
Recent changes to the review list of the New York State Avian Records Committee |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2024
Michael F. Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2024
Shaibal S. Mitra |
74 No. 3
September 2024 |
Special Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee:
Addition of 17 new species to the New York State Checklist
Timothy P. Healy |
Recent changes to the review list of the New York State Avian Records Committee |
January Waterfowl Count 2024
Bill Ostrander |
Patch Birding: Plumb Beach
Peter Paul |
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2023-24
Michael F. Cooper |
74 No. 2
June 2024 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2020 |
Editor’s Note: Changes to the New York State Avian Records Committee Review List
Shaibal S. Mitra |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2023
Dominic Sherony |
74 No. 1
March 2024 |
Editor’s Note: The names of birds
Shaibal S. Mitra |
Two brown-capped Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)
in Rochester, NY, summer 2023
Kim Hartquist |
Notes and Observations
Adult Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) feeds nestling and fledged juvenile
Shaibal S. Mitrar |
Patch Birding: Heckscher State Park: The patch at the end of the road
John Gluth |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
Corrigenda |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2023
Michael F. Cooper |
73 No. 4
December 2023 |
Vagrant hummingbirds in New York State: an update
John H. Haas |
Patch Birding: Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge
Susan Logan Ward |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2023
Michael F. Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2023
Shaibal S. Mitra |
January Waterfowl Count 2023
Bill Ostrander |
Regional Reports, Spring 2023 |
73 No. 3
September 2023 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2019 |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc., 76th Annual Meeting, September 23, 2023 |
January Waterfowl Count 2023
Bill Ostrander |
Notes and Observations
A gynandromorphic Northern Cardinal in Kendall, NY
Randi Minetor
Attempted predation of a Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)
by a Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
José R. Ramírez-Garofalo |
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2022-23
Michael F. Cooper |
Regional Reports, Winter 2022-23 |
73 No. 2
June 2023 |
What’s it gonna be? Predicting the next new additions to the avifauna of New York—v. 6.0
Doug Gochfeld |
Notes and Observations
A Ruffed Grouse at Muttontown Preserve, Nassau County, Spring 1983
Vincent Glasser |
In Memoriam: Sherri Leigh Smith
Jeff Bolsinger; Alison Kocek, et al. |
Editor’s Note |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2022
Dominic Sherony |
Regional Reports, Fall 2022, in part,
and photos of first records for New York State, 2015-2022 |
73 No. 1
March 2023 |
Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus)
at a field station in Central New York State
J. Confer, J. (Gillis) MacCabe, M. Ulinski, B. McGuire, J. Gorges, B. Gorges, P. McNeil, T. Pfaff,
G. Dodici, and Z. Casteel |
A Limpkin (Aramus guarana) on the Niagara River
Willie D'Anna |
Notes and Observations
A remarkable inland specimen record of Black-legged Kittiwake
(Rissa tridactyla) from Albany, New York
Jeremy Kirchman |
Patch Birding: Croton Point Park
Joseph Wallace |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
Letter to the Editor |
Editor’s Note and Corrigenda |
Regional Reports, Fall 2022, in part |
72 No. 4
December 2022 |
The Ruffed Grouse on Long Island: Extant or extirpated?
John L. Turner |
First nesting record of Great Blue Heron in densely urbanized New York County, NY
Shannon R. Curley, José R. Ramírez-Garofalo, Tod Winston, Michael Feller, Beryl Perron-Feller,
Daniel Chi, and John Carter |
Patch Birding: Finding time for a small circle of the world
Jay Rand |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2022
Michael F. Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2022 |
72 No. 3
September 2022 |
Colonization of the Finger Lakes Region of New York State
by nesting Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus carolinensis)
Candace E. Cornell |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc., 75th Annual Meeting, October 2, 2022 |
Patch Birding: Birdsong Meadows Farm
Adam Troyer |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2022
Michael F. Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2022 |
Poem: The King Bird
George Held |
72 No. 2
June 2022 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2018 |
January Waterfowl Count 2022
Bill Ostrander |
1948 Long Island Waterfowl Survey Results
Christopher K. McKeever |
Notes and Observations
Crossbilling in Northern New York, 28-30 January 2022: a banner season for crossbills
Matthew A. Young and Ryan F. Mandelbaum
An apparent European Herring Gull (Larus argentatus argentatus)
at Old Field Point, Suffolk County, Long Island
Patrice Domeischel and Shaibal S. Mitra
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2021-22
Dominic F. Sherony |
72 No. 1
March 2022 |
Tropical Kingbird at Staten Island, New York and a northeastwards surge of vagrants to North America
Richard R. Veit, Lisa L. Manne, and Anthony V. Ciancimino |
Notes and Observations
Spring flight chronology of American Crows in Lancaster, Erie County, New York
Mark Gretch
Patch Birding: The Expanded Patch
Shai Mitra |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
Editor’s Note and Corrigenda |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2021
Dominic F. Sherony |
71 No. 4
December 2021 |
Effectiveness of different methods for determining song repertoire size
of a Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Elliot H. Lee |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc., 74th Annual Meeting, October 2, 2021 |
Notes and Observations
More Common Ravens (Corvus corax) nesting in NYS Department of Transportation’s salt barns
Sarah Lazazzero (Kruse)
Further observations of Yellow-crowned Night-Herons in Middletown, Orange County, NY
Joyce M. Depew
Patch Birding: Beaver Lake Nature Center
Joseph Brin |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2021
Michael F. Cooper |
71 No. 3
September 2021 |
Colonization of the Rockaway Peninsula, Long Island by Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia)
José R. Ramírez-Garofalo, Scott Solberg, Erin McGrath, Keelan Dann, and Dana Filippini |
Patch Birding: Discovering new patches while atlasing
Stacy Robinson |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2021
Michael F. Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2021 |
71 No. 2
June 2021 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2017 |
January Waterfowl Count 2021
Bill Ostrander |
Notes and Observations
Fishing phoebes in East Hampton, NY
Jane and Alfred Ross
Spotted Towhees in New York State
Douglas J. Futuyma and Shaibal S. Mitra
Patch Birding: A case for patch birding
Gary Kohlenberg |
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2020-21
Michael F. Cooper |
71 No. 1
March 2021 |
Multiple dimensions of passerine morning flight in central New York State:Orange County, New York: Species, numbers, direction, and altitude
Bill Evans |
Notes and Observations: An exceptional finch flight on Long Island's North Fork
MaryLaura Lamont |
Patch Birding: South Shore roots
Bob Grover |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
Editor’s Note and Corrigenda |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2020
Michael F. Cooper |
70 No. 4
December 2020 |
Courtship, breeding, and nesting behavior of Yellow-crowned Night-Herons in Middletown, Orange County, New York
Joyce M. Depew |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.,
73rd Annual Meeting, October 3, 2020 |
In Memoriam: Valerie Freer |
Notes and Observations: Swallow-tailed Kites in Western New York
Dominic Sherony |
Patch Birding: What is different about patch birding?
Dominic Sherony |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2020
Michael F. Cooper |
70 No. 3
September 2020 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2016 |
Patch Birding: Riverside Park
Alan Drogin |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2020
Dominic Sherony |
Spring arrival dates for 2020 |
70 No. 2
June 2020 |
Seasonal and anthropogenic factors predict breeding success in Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in shared greenspace
Joseph Czeisel and Mark E. Hauber |
The Stone Bridge Common Nighthawk Watch: Three years of data
Patrice Domeischel and John L. Turner |
January Waterfowl Count 2020
Bill Ostrander |
Notes and Observations: The Painted Bunting invasion of 2019-2020
Timothy Healy |
Patch Birding: Morningside Park
John H. Haas |
In Memoriam: Phyllis Jones
Valerie Freer |
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2019-2020
Michael Cooper |
70 No. 1
March 2020 |
Robin’s Day: A family tradition becomes citizen science
Kimberly N. Russell, Gareth J. Russell, and Richard N. Blazey |
Patch Birding - Growing up on Lido Beach: The excitement of discovery
Robert Berlingeri |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
Editor’s Note |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2019
Michael Cooper |
69 No. 4
December 2019 |
Nesting behavior by Yellow-crowned Night-Herons in Middletown, Orange County, New York
Joyce M. Depew |
Breeding between Clay-colored and Chipping Sparrows in a Syracuse, New York cemetery
Deborah Dohne |
Patch Birding: The patchiness of patch birders
Ken Feustel |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.,
72nd Annual Meeting, Henrietta, New York, 14 September, 2019 |
Editor’s Note |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2019
Mike Cooper |
69 No. 3
September 2019 |
A Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) on Long Island, New York, 5-6 May 2019
Patricia J. Lindsay and Shaibal S. Mitra |
A Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) in Delaware County: New York’s fourth
Lance Verderame |
Patch Birding—Home patch, Pittsford Mendon Center Road
Patricia Martin |
Editor’s Note |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2019—Corrected
Bill Ostrander |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2019
Mike Cooper |
Spring arrival dates for 2019 |
69 No. 2
June 2019 |
John Treadwell Nichols and a few good friends
MaryLaura Lamont |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2019
Bill Ostrander |
Unprecedented numbers of Northern Pintails (Anas acuta)
on the Lower New York Bay
José R. Ramírez-Garofalo and Kathy Garofalo |
Highlights of the Season, Winter 2018-19
Mike Cooper |
Patch birding—Hudson Yards
Alan Drogin |
69 No. 1
March 2019 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2015 |
A Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) in New York City during a region-wide influx
José R. Ramirez-Garofalo |
Notes and Observations: Historic Golden Eagle day at Franklin Mountain hawkwatch
Andy Mason |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2018
Mike Cooper |
68 No. 4
December 2018 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2014 |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.,
71st Annual Meeting, Henrietta, New York, 6 October 2018 |
Patch Birding—The Stewart School Sump
Brendan Fogarty |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2018
Mike Cooper |
68 No. 3
September 2018 |
West Nile virus infection and other causes of bird mortality in New York City
Gabriela Fonseca, Liyang Zhou, and Waheed Bajwa |
The Stone Bridge Nighthawk Watch 2017 Season
John L. Turner |
Highlights of the Season—Spring 2018
Shaibal S. Mitra |
Spring arrival dates for 2018 |
68 No. 2
June 2018 |
Common Raven (Corvus corax) range expansion onto the Erie/Ontario Lake Plain
of New York State
Sarah A. Lazazzero (Piecuch) and Connie M. Adams |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2018
Bill Ostrander |
In Memoriam: Berna B. Lincoln
Andrew Mason and Barbara Butler |
Corrigenda |
68 No. 1
March 2018 |
A Corn Crake (Crex crex) at Cedar Beach, Suffolk County, Long Island
Ken Feustel |
The Corn Crake (Crex crex) in New York State, with comments
on its occurrence in the Western Hemisphere, 1833-2017
Robert DeCandido and Deborah Allen |
Little Egret at Goethal's Bridge Pond, Staten Island, New York
Richard R. Veit, Jose R. Ramirez-Garofalo, Anthony Ciancimino, Seth Wollney and Isaac Grant |
Unusual diurnal roosting behavior by Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) during a solar eclipse
Steven G. Platt and Thomas R. Rainwater |
Highlights of the Season, Fall 2017
Sherony |
67 No. 4
December 2017 |
New York State Ornithological Associaion, Inc., 70th Annual Meeting,
Niagara Falls, New York, 11 November 2017 |
Editor's Note |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2013 |
In memoriam: Robert F. Andrle
Jim Landau |
Notes and Observations
Re-sighting on Long Island, New York, of a Lesser Black-backed Gull banded in Florida
Ken Thompson |
67 No. 3
September 2017 |
Temporal changes in Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) song rates
Sarah A. Lazazzero (Piecuch) and Christopher J. Norment |
An acanthocephalan, Plagiorhynchus cylindraceus, in Eastern Bluebirds
W. E. Zitek, DVM |
In memoriam: Irving Cantor
John Cairns |
In memoriam: John M. C. (Mike) Peterson
John Thaxton |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2017
S. S. Mitra |
Spring arrival dates for 2017 |
67 No. 2
June 2017 |
Special Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee:
Addition of five new species to the New York State Checklist |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2017
Bill Ostrander |
Re-evaluating the abundance and distribution of
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) on Long Island
Taylor Sturm and Brent Bomkamp |
An inland record of “Ipswich” Savannah Sparrow
from the Lower Hudson Valley of New York State
Linda Scrima |
67 No. 1
March 2017 |
The curious case of the first specimen record of Virginia's Warbler
(Oreothlypis virginiae) from Eastern North America
Jeremy Kirchman and Richard Guthrie |
Earliest record nesting attempt of Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris) in New York City, Spring 2016
Jeffrey M. Ward and Robert DeCandido |
Dr. Stephen Woodman Eaton |
66 No. 4
December 2016 |
Observations on estuarine breeding bird richness in New York State
John Vanek, James P. Browne, and Crystal A. Crown |
Gulls establish breeding colony on Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake
Doug Daniels |
Special report of the New York State Avian Records Committee:
Addition of six new species to the New York Checklist |
66 No. 3
September 2016 |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.,
69th Annual Meeting, Elmira New York, September 10, 2016 |
In Memoriam: Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr. |
Warblers outside her sickroom window
Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr. |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2016
S. S. Mitra |
Spring arrival dates for 2016 |
Notes and Observations
Interactions between gulls and predatory diving birds (loons and cormorants)
Harold G. Klein |
66 No. 2
June 2016 |
First occurrence of Pacific Common Eider
(Somateria mollissima v-nigrum) in New York State
Dominic Sherony and Kenneth P. Able |
A New York perspective on the 2016 Supplement to
The Check-List of North American Birds
Angus Wilson |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2016
Bill Ostrander |
Notes and Observations
Interactions between gulls and predatory diving birds (loons and cormorants)
Harold G. Klein |
66 No. 1
March 2016 |
What’s it gonna be? Predicting the next new additions
to the avifauna of New York State—a redux
Doug Gochfeld |
First successful nesting of Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
along Central Park, New York County, Spring 2014-15
Deborah Allen and Robert DeCandido |
65 No. 4
December 2015 |
The return of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
as breeding birds to Long Island, New York
Bob Grover, MaryLaura Lamont, and Mike Scheibel |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.,
68th Annual Meeting, Albany, New York, October 3, 2015 |
Notes and Observations
Piping Plovers nest successfully on the eastern shores of Lake Ontario
Irene Mazzocchi and Elizabeth Truskowski
Common Eider on Great Gull Island: A new nesting locality for New York State
Joseph DiCostanzo
Backyard Screech-Owl
Bob Grover |
Highlights of the Season, Summer 2015
S. S. Mitra |
65 No. 3
September 2015 |
The case for adding Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis)
to the Checklist of the Birds of New York State
Kathryn J. Schneider |
Nesting Merlins (Falco columbarius) in and near Ithaca, New York, 2015
John L. Confer, Mark Witmer, Madeline Ulinski, Ann Herzig, and Sam Ayers |
Successful relocation of an Osprey nest after egg-laying
Blanche E. Town and Clede R. Spooner |
A Little Egret at Bay Shore, Suffolk County, Long Island: New York’s First
Peter Morris |
In Memoriam:William W. Watson, 1943-2015 |
Highlights of the Season, Spring 2015
S. S. Mitra |
65 No. 2
June 2015 |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2015
Bill Ostrander |
Two “Short-billed” Mew Gulls (Larus canus brachyrhynchus) in Brooklyn, New York—the first for Long Island and coastal New York
Shane Blodgett |
Aretas Andrews Saunders—A pioneering naturalist (1884-1970)
Mark Gretch |
Notes and Observations
A multi-species feeding aggregation involving gulls and Common Loons on Lake Champlain
Harold G. Klein |
In Memoriam:William W. Watson, 1943-2015 |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2014-15
Dominic Sherony |
65 No. 1
March 2015 |
Jacob Ruppert and his Mute Swans: The historical status of a non-native bird in Dutchess County
Stan DeOrsey |
Nesting of Blue Grosbeaks (Passerina caerulea) at the former Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island, New York, in 2014
Jeffrey S. Bolsinger |
First recorded nesting of Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilocus colubris) in Central Park and New York County – Spring 2014
Robert DeCandido and Deborah Allen |
Notes and Observations
Peregrine Falcon attacks a Ring-billed Gull
Dominic Sherony |
In Memoriam: Stanley R. Lincoln, 1929-2015 |
From the Editor's Desk |
64 No. 4
December 2014 |
Survival, longevity, and breeding dispersal by Eastern Kingbirds in Central New York
Michael T. Murphy |
Behavior and habitat use of a Kirtland’s Warbler on Fort Drum, NY
Jeffrey S. Bolsinger |
Notes and Observations
East meets West: a hybrid Eastern x Western Kingbird on Long Island
MaryLaura Lamont
First nesting of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) in Bronx County – Spring 2009
Robert DeCandido, PhD and Deborah Allen |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. 67th Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY, September 19-20, 2014 |
In Memoriam: Jerry Lazarczyk Bill Watson |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. 67th Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY, September 19-20, 2014 |
64 No. 3
September 2014 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2012 |
Emanuel Levine, 1921-2014
S. S. Mitra |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2014
S. S. Mitra |
Spring Arrival Dates Tables & Hawkwatch Totals |
64 No. 2
June 2014 |
Habitat use and migration chronology of waterfowl on the upper Hudson River, New York
Guy A. Baldassarre and Joshua Stiller |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2014
Bill Ostrander |
Barnacle Geese in the eastern United States: An update
Dominic Sherony |
Elegant Tern (Thalasseus elegans) on the Niagara River: Second record
for New York State and first for the Great Lakes
James M. Pawlicki |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2013-14
Dominic Sherony |
64 No. 1
March 2014 |
Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) egg morphology before and after the introduction of DDT
Amber De Jong and William Brown |
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) at Buffalo Harbor:
First record for upstate New York and the Great Lakes
James Pawlicki |
Notes and Observations
Notes on an American Golden-Plover seen in Penfield, NY
Laurie Dirkx and Dominic Sherony |
Corrigendum |
63 No. 4
December 2013 |
Recent Status of the Blue Grosbeak on Staten Island and in New York State
Michael J. Shanley III |
Notes on Bald Eagles nesting on Gardiner's Island, East Hampton, New York
Mary Laura Lamont |
In Memory of Jim Clinton, Sr.
Robert Adamo |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
66th Annual Meeting, Uniondale, NY, 2 November 2013 |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2013
Andrew Guthrie |
63 No. 3
September 2013 |
Timing of the spring passage of dark Red-tailed Hawks past Derby Hill Observatory
Kyle Wright |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2011 |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2013
S. S. Mitra |
Spring Arrival Dates 2013 |
63 No. 2
June 2013 |
Winter Waterfowl Count, January 2013
Bill Ostrander |
Notes and Comments
Notes on a Gray Jay nest in Raquette Lake
Kirsten Askildsen, John Askildsen, Joan Collins, and Larry Master
A Pelagic Purple Gallinule rescue
Patricia J. Lindsay |
In Memoriam
Paul H. Gillen, Jr., Dr. Robert E. Long, Marie N. Petuh, Starr Saphir, Alvin Wollin |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2012-13
Dominic Sherony |
63 No. 1
March 2013 |
A Welsh birder abroad: the story behind a record-breaking Big Year in New York State
Anthony Collerton |
Notes and Comments
Western Kingbird in Savannah, Wayne County, NY, with notes on previous records of
vagrant Tyrannus in this area.
John Tarolli |
62 No. 4
December 2012 |
Sampling of the 2012 fall migration of Northern Saw-whet Owls
John L. Confer, Robert McGuire, Andrew Myers, and Julia Gillis |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
65th Annual Meeting, Owego, New York, September 29, 2012 |
A possible American Kestrel dump nest
Mark Manske |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2012
Robert G. Spahn |
62 No. 3
September 2012 |
Comparison of two field data collection methods in recording avian behavior
Carol Henger, Sarah B. Wallace, and Mark E. Hauber |
Notes and Observations
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch in Locust Grove, NY — A birding experience
Seth Ausubel, with Nancy Loomis |
In Memoriam
Robert G. McKinney
Robert Schumann |
Spring Arrival Dates for 2012 |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2012
Dominic Sherony |
62 No. 2
June 2012 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2010 |
Notes and Observations
Grace's Warbler on Long Island, New York: A first for the east coast of North America
Douglas Gochfeld
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch in New York's Catskill Mountains
David Rankin |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2011-12
Dominic Sherony |
62 No. 1
March 2012 |
Changes in habitat and breeding birds in a Pitch Pine Oak Heath
Rocky Summit community at the Mohonk Preserve, Ulster County, NY
Joseph Chernek |
Highlights of the Season — Fall 2011
S. S. Mitra |
61 No. 4
December 2011 |
A Confirmed Breeding Record of Least Bittern on Long Island
John L. Turner |
Tropical Storm Irene in New York State
S. S. Mitra |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
64th Annual Meeting, Hopewell Junction, New York, 24 September 2011 |
Hybrid Blue-winged Teal x Northern Shoveler
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, Seneca Co., New York, 19 May 2011
Christopher L. Wood and Jessie Barry |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2011
S. S. Mitra |
61 No. 3
September 2011 |
The Fire Island Hawkwatch
Robert J. Kurtz |
A "Sooty" Fox Sparrow in Central Park, New York City
Stephen Chang |
Notes and Observations
Addition to the New York State Checklist
New York State Avian Records Committee Double-nesting by Red-bellied Woodpeckers in New York State
Ruth Bernstein Hyman
A Hybrid Cliff Swallow x Barn Swallow in Western New York State
Christopher L. Wood, Andrew Guthrie, and Jessie Barry |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
63rd Annual Meeting, Savannah, New York, October 23, 2010 |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2011
Robert S. Spahn |
61 No. 2
June 2011 |
Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) Call-types of New York:
Their taxonomy, Flight Call Vocalizations, and Ecology
Matthew A. Young |
A 2010 Nassau County Big Year
Robert A. Berlingeri |
Notes and Observations
Additions to the New York State Checklist
New York State Avian Records Committee
The 111th Christmas Bird Count in New York State |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird
Chickadee Migration in Monroe County
Matthew A. Young |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2010-11
W. Bradley Carlson |
61 No. 1
March 2011 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2009 |
American Kestrel Nest Box Management Program in Northern New York State John J. Elliot Award winner
Mark Manske |
Notes and Observations
A Cave Swallow Event Along New York's Lake Ontario Shore
David Tetlow
A Very Old Bird
Richard Guthrie
Two Fall Flights of Lesser Black-backed Gulls on Long Island
Shaibal S. Mitra |
Highlights of the Season — Fall 2010
Robert G. Spahn |
Corrigendum |
60 No. 4
December 2010 |
Legalities and Practicalities of Salvaging Dead Birds for Museum Specimens
Jeremy J. Kirchman |
Predictions of Species to be Added to the New York State Checklist — v. 4.0 3/24/11
Doug Gochfeld |
Notes and Observations
Late Fledging of Red-bellied Woodpecker in New York State
Ruth Bernstein Hyman
Further Notes on Gray Catbirds Breeding in Eastern Long Island
George Rowsom |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2010
S. S. Mitra |
60 No. 3
September 2010 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 2008 |
A Common Raven (Corvus corax) nest in Kew Gardens, Queens County
Seth Ausubel & Corey Finger |
A previously undescribed call for the Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus)
Scott Crocoll |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2010
Thomas B. Johnson |
Spring Arrival Dates 2010 |
60 No. 2
June 2010 |
Vagrant Hummingbirds in New York State: An Update
John Haas |
New Late Date and First December Record of Yellow-bellied Flycatcher in New York State
Ken Feustel |
Notes and Observations |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
The 110th Christmas Bird Count in New York State |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2009-10
Dominic Sherony |
60 No. 1
March 2010 |
Avian Response to Shrubland Restoration in the Forested Landscape
of Sterling Forest State Park, NY John J. Elliot Award winner
John Confer |
Some Note on the Fall Migration of Bicknell's and Gray-cheeked Thrushes
in New York State and Eastern United States
Elizabeth Brooks and Dominic Sherony |
The Fall 2008 Irruption of Pine Siskins in Southeastern New York
Cameron Rutt |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season — Fall 2009
Seymour Schiff |
59 No. 4
December 2009 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records
Committee for 2007 |
New York State Ornithological Association,
62nd Annual Meeting, Savannah, NY,
26 September 2009 |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2009
Robert G. Spahn |
Spring Arrival Dates — Spring 2009 |
59 No. 3
September 2009 |
Mitred Parakeets (Aratinga mitrata) in Queens and Nassau Counties, New York
Seth Ausubel |
Bird Populations in Western New York State: Insights from the Annual Counts
of the Buffalo Ornithological Society
Robert L. DeLeon |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2009
Dominic Sherony |
59 No. 2
June 2009 |
Elon Howard Eaton
Stephen W. Eaton |
Harriet Taylor Marsi (1912-2008)
Valerie Freer |
Winston William Brockner (1915-2008)
Frances Rew |
John Joseph Friz (1935-2008)
Thomas W. Burke |
Notes and Observations |
Fifty Years Ago in The Kingbird |
The 109th Christmas Bird Count in New York State |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2008-09
Dominic Sherony |
58 No. 4
December 2008 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records
Committee for 2005 |
Exemplary Reports of Rare Birds from 2005
Shane Blodgett |
New York State Ornithological Association,
61st Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY,
September 20, 2008 |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season — Summer 2008
Willie D'Anna |
58 No. 3
September 2008 |
The New York State Museum Bird Collection: A
Resource for Educators and Ornithologists
J. Kirchman |
January Waterfowl Count, 2008, and Some Observations
Bryan L.
Swift |
Spring Arrival of Tree Swallow and Eastern Phoebe
in the Adirondacks
Mark Gretch |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season — Spring 2008
Robert G. Spahn |
58 No. 2
June 2008 |
Ross's Gull at Niagara Falls
D'Anna |
Notes and Observations |
The 108th Christmas Bird Count in New York State |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2007-08
Bolsinger |
57 No. 4
December 2007 |
Alfred Ott, 1939-2007 |
Western Reef-Heron (Egretta gularis gularis)
at Calvert Vaux Park, Brooklyn John J. Elliot Award winner
Alex Wilson |
Early Arrival of Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta
canadensis )
in southeastern New York during Summer
Ken Feustel |
Multiple Acadian Flycatchers breeding in New
York City and Long Island during Summer 2007
J. Lindsay |
Notes and Observations |
The New York State Ornithological Association's
60th Annual Meeting.
Batavia, NY, 6 October 2007
Best |
Highlights of the Season—Summer 2007
Wilson |
57 No. 3
September 2007 |
January Waterfowl Counts, 2005-2007, and Some
Observations on Long-term Trends
Bryan L.
Swift |
Connections: Coincidence—Correlation—Causation
Mark Gretch |
Highlights of the Season—Spring 2007
S. S.
Mitra |
Spring Arrival Date Tables |
57 No. 2
June 2007 |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season—Winter 2006-07
S. Mitra |
The 107th CBC in New York State |
Photo Gallery |
57 No. 1
March 2007 |
The Status of Trumpeter Swans in New York State
in 2007
Dominic Sherony and Jeffrey S. Bolsinger |
Guidelines for the Admission of Exotic Species
to the New York State Checklist
York State Avian Records Committee |
23 Minutes of Mood
Givant |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season—Summer 2006
Guthrie |
Highlights of the Season—Fall 2006
Guthrie |
56 No. 3
September 2006 |
Window Strike Mortality at an Urban Office Building John J. Elliot Award winner
Gelb and Nicole Delacretaz |
Spring 2004 Visible Night Migration of Birds at
the Empire State Building, New York City
Robert DeCandido and Deborah Allen |
Historical Accounts of Bicknell's Thrush in New York
City and New Record for Bronx County
L. Seewagen and E. J. Slayton |
on the Cave Swallow Incursion of November 2005
Spahn and David Tetlow |
Changes to the New York State Avian Review List
The New York
State Avian Records Committee |
56 No. 2
June 2006 |
Use of Artificial Nesting Structure by Dark-eyed Junco, with
Comments on Junco Summer Distribution in New York
Charles R. Smith
Grassland Birds at the Plattsburgh Airfield IBA:
An Update
Mark Gretch |
Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr. |
Notes and Observations |
Highlights of the Season—Winter 2005-06
Guthrie |
55 No. 4
December 2005 |
Lost in the Moment
Michael Givant |
First Confirmed Nesting of the Pine Warbler (Dendroica
pinus) in New York City
Robert DeCandido and Deborah Allen |
Adventures in Field Identification: An Unusual Manx
Shearwater at Jones Inlet, Nassau County, NY 17-26 Sep 2005
S.S. Mitra |
Notes and Observations |
New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
58th Annual Meeting, Marriott Hotel, Albany, NY - September 24,
2005 Brenda
Best |
Highlights of the Season—Summer 2005
Andrew Guthrie |
55 No. 2
June 2005 |
Boreal Owl in Central Park, New York County
Peter W.
Post |
From the Editor's Desk
S. S. Mitra |
The 105th Christmas Bird Count in New York State |
Highlights of the Season—Winter 2004
Andrew Guthrie |
55 No. 1
March 2005 |
An Artificial Nest Structure for Black Terns (Chlidonias
niger): Design and Use
David A. Seyler |
A Brief Review of Migratory Game Birds in New York
State Will
Yandik |
Cedar Waxwing, Scarlet Tanager, and Baltimore
Oriole in Genesee County in 1833
Donald A.
Windsor |
The January Waterfowl Count, 2004
Bryan L.
Swift |
The New York State Ornithological Association's
57th Annual Meeting
Brenda Best |
Kingbird Index 2004 Volume 54
Donald A.
Windsor |
From the Editor's Desk
S. S. Mitra |
Corrigendum |
Highlights of the Fall Season 2004
Andrew Guthrie |
54 No. 4
December 2004 |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee
for 2002 |
An Unusually Plumaged Cerulean Warbler Singing a Northern
Parula Song in Dutchess County, NY
Carena Pooth and Rodney Johnson |
Northbound Migratory Phenology of Northern Flickers
in the Adirondacks
Mark Gretch |
Highlights of the Season—Summer 2004
Andrew Guthrie |
54 No. 3
September 2004 |
Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) at Mecox
Bay, Long Island, 28-29 May, 2004: New York State's Sixth
Record Ken
& Sue Feustel |
An Unusual Hermit Thrush Nest in Cattaraugus County,
New York Timothy
H. Baird |
American Goldfinch Song Assemblies
Eric Salzman |
A Discussion of Changes Arising From the 45th Supplement
to the AOU Check-List S.
S. Mitra |
Highlights of the Season—Spring 2004
Andrew Guthrie |
Editor's Note
S. S. Mitra |
Table of Spring Arrival Dates |
54 No. 2
June 2004 |
Redpolls in Central New York - Winter 2003-2004
Jody Hildreth |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Summer
Distribution of New York's Passerine Birds
Jeff Price |
The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
John Van
Neil |
A Hawking Raven
Sean C. Phelan |
Birding with Father
Ken Allaire |
Minutes of the 56th Annual Meeting of the FNYSBC
- 1 Nov 2003
Brenda Best |
On "Subspecies" of the Canada Goose
Gerry Rising |
Highlights of the Season — Winter 2003 - 2004
Andrew Guthrie |
The Poet's Corner Maxwell
C. Wheat, Jr. |
53 No. 2
June 2003 |
Eurasian Collared-Dove in New York State
Dominic F. Sherony, Brett M. Ewald |
The Changing Status of Pacific Loon in New York State
Dale Dyer |
Puzzling Varied Thrush in Nassau County
Angus Wilson |
Yellow-breasted Chat in mid-Manhattan at 42nd St.
& 6th Ave. Kenneth
Allaire |
Documenting Rare Birds — A New York Perspective
Willie D'Anna |
Yellow-rumped Warblers Gorging on Cluster Flies
Mark Gretch |
Notes and Observations
An Unusual Nighthawk Flight in Chautauqua
Allen H. Benton
Late Nesting of a Wild Turkey in
Allegany County
Elizabeth W. Brooks
Record Late Tufted Titmouse Nestlings
William Watson
Editor's Note
In Memoriam Sally
Spofford 1914-2003 Allan
S. Klonick 1921-2003 |
Minutes of the 54th Annual Meeting — Liverpool,
NY 14-16 Sep 2001 |
Highlights of the Winter Season 2002-2003
Guest Editor — Joseph DiCostanzo |
53 No. 1
March 2003 |
Possible Hermit Warbler (Dendroica occidentalis), a First
for New York State, Jones Beach SP, Nassau Co., 11/28/02 to 12/1/02
Andrew Block,
Anne Connor |
Hermit Warbler or Hermit x Townsend's Warbler Hybrid??
Joseph DiCostanzo |
Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) in Monroe
Co., 9-13 Jan 2003 Robert
G. Spahn |
Snow Burrowing by Common Redpolls (Carduelis flammea)
Joan Collins,
John M.C. Peterson |
Origin and Movements of Snow Geese in New York State
Angus Wilson |
Kingbird Index 2001-2002 Volumes 51-52
Donald A. Windsor |
First Record of Least Tern (Sterna antillarum)
for Erie County Brendan
Klick |
Highlights of the Fall Season 2002
Willie D'Anna |
52 No. 3
September 2002 |
Review of Eastern and Spotted Towhee Taxa Based on
Possible Spotted Towhee in Central Park, NYC - 26 April 2001 John J. Elliot Award winner
D. Stubblefield, James D. Rising |
Gull at Seneca Falls, Seneca Co., 23 February 2002
Kevin J. McGowan, Jay W. McGowan |
Evening Grosbeak Breeding in Chenango Co., June 2002
Erica L.Dennis,
James H. Dennis, Donald A. Windsor |
Late Fall Records of Yellow-bellied Flycatcher on
Long Island Robert
O. Paxton |
An Unintentional Common Raven Experiment
Joan Collins |
Highlights of the Spring Season 2002
Willie D'Anna |
Spring Arrival Date Tables |
52 No. 2
June 2002 |
Vagrant Hummingbirds in New York State S.S.
Mitra, M. Bochnik |
Slaty-backed Gull in Sullivan County, February 2002
V.M. Freer,
J. Haas, P.A. Buckley |
Further Predictions of Species to be Added to The
Checklist of The Birds of New York State
Emanuel Levine |
Scope Photography for Bird Study and Documentation
Rex G. Stanford |
Live Prey in Buteo Nests
Scott Crocoll |
Corrigenda |
Poet's Corner
Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr. |
Highlights of the Winter Season 2001-2002
Willie D'Anna |
52 No. 1
March 2002 |
Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondii)
on Long Island, 27-28 Oct 2001 New York State's First Record
Fritz, Douglas J. Futuyma |
of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 1999 |
Two Great White Herons (Ardea (herodias) occidentalis)
in New York Sep-Nov 2001
S.S. Mitra, John Fritz |
An Adult Ardea herodias wardi from the Northeast
W. Dickerman |
Long-billed Murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix)
at Ithaca New York
17-20 Dec 2001 Steve
and Taylor Kelling |
Notes and Observations:
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) on Long Island 13-27
Oct 2001 Cindy
Wodinski |
Highlights of the Fall Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
51 No. 4
December 2001 |
Wood Storks in Wayne County New York, Aug-Sep 2001
F. Sherony |
Northern Parula Returns to Long Island
Eric Salzman |
Analyzing Bird Count Data Using Advance-Decline
Metrics Donald
A. Windsor |
New York State
Federation Waterfowl Count, January 2001
Bryan L. Swift |
Bibliography of New York State Ornithology for
2000 The
Bibliography Committee, P. Jones, Chair |
Poet's Corner
Maxwell C. Wheat, Jr |
Letters |
Highlights of the 2001 Summer Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
Preview of 2002 Kingbird Issues |
51 No. 3
September 2001 |
Upstate New York's First Great Egret Colony
Watson |
Mass Mortalities of European Starlings From Collisions
With Motor Vehicles Ward
B. Stone, Kevin Hines, Joseph C. Okoniewski |
A South Polar Skua Seen From Land, With Notes on
the Species' Status in New York
Shaibal S. Mitra and Patricia J. Lindsay |
Photographs of Common Eider and Young at Fisher's
Island, NY 6 Aug 2000 |
My Big Year (2000)
Matt Victoria |
Highlights of the 2001 Spring Season
Willie D'Anna |
Poet's Corner
Maxwell C. Wheat, Jr |
Spring Arrival Date Tables |
Regional Reports |
51 No. 2
June 2001 |
First Record of Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa
limosa) for New York State
Paul Gillen |
The Questionable Wisdom of Introducing Alien Species
Rising |
An Unusual Chickadee (Poecile species)
Banded at Braddock Bay, NY
Sharon Skelly, David Bonter, David Semple |
Obituary - Douglas F. Howland 1920 - 1999
Allan S. Klonick |
First Breeding Record of Common Eider (Somateria
mollissima) for New York State
Edwin Horning, Jacqueline Williamson |
Notes and Observations
Swallow-tailed Kite in Suburban Suffolk County Backyard
Sandhill Crane Spotting |
Editor |
Poet's Corner
Maxwell C. Wheat, Jr |
Minutes of the 53rd Annual Meeting, Waterloo, NY
September 8-10, 2000
Barbara Butler |
Highlights of the Winter Season 2000-2001
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
51 No. 1
March 2001 |
First Record of Cassin's Sparrow (Aimophila
cassinii) for New York State
Thomas W.
Burke |
Preliminary Checklist of Breeding Birds on Schodack
Island State Park Cathie
A. Baumgartner, Bernard P. Carr |
Status and Origins of Curlew Sandpipers in New
York State John J. Elliot Award winner Angus
Wilson |
of the New York State Avian Records Committee for 1998 |
Notes and Observations
Dark-eyed Junco Nests in a Hanging Flowerpot
Great Horned Owl Nests on Bridge |
About the New Color Cover
Editor |
Highlights of the 2000 Fall Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
50 No. 4
December 2000 |
Early Nesting of Great Horned Owls in The Bronx,
NYC Christopher
Lyons |
Little Stint (Calidris minuta) near Pike's
Beach, Westhampton Dunes, Suffolk County, NY
Rex G. Stanford |
Cayenne Tern on Long Island, New York: North America's
Fourth S.S.
Mitra and P.A. Buckley |
Poet's Corner
Maxwell C. Wheat, Jr. |
New York State
Federation Waterfowl Count, January 2000
Walton B.
Sabin and Bryan L. Swift |
Bibliography of New York State Ornithology for
1999 The
Bibliography Committee, P. Jones, Chair |
"To Market, To Market" See a Life
Bird Emanuel
Levine |
Concerning Amended Publication of "Gulls
on the Niagara Frontier: An Update" |
Notes and Observations
More on Swimming Herons Cassin's
Sparrow at Jones Beach State Park, Nassau County |
Highlights of the 2000 Summer Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
50 No. 3
September 2000 |
Gulls on the Niagara Frontier:
An Update Willie
D'Anna |
Yellow-Nosed Albatross on Fire Island,
Buckley & Garrett Schairer |
Status of the Trumpeter Swan in New
York State Dan
Carroll and Bryan L. Swift |
Great Blue Heron Nesting Population
on Ironsides Island in the St Lawrence River from 1964-1998
R. Maxwell, Gerald A. Smith, Lee Harper, and Ken Karwowski |
Minutes of the 52nd Annual Meeting of
the FNYSBC in Elmira, NY |
Notes and Observations:
Unusual Close Encounter - Kerrin
B. Polaski Another
Cable Death - Dorothy W. Crumb |
Changes in the 7th Edition of the AOU
Check-List Relevant to New York State |
Highlights of the 2000 Spring Season
D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
50 No. 2
July 2000 |
Cave Swallow (Petrochelidon fulva), Second
New York State Record John J. Elliot Award winner
Andrew Guthrie
and Angus Wilson |
The Wild Turkey in The Bronx and Lower Westchester
County, New York David
S. Knstler |
A note on Marsh Sparrow Songs with Comments by
Jon Greenlaw Eric
Salzman |
New Record of Brown-headed Cowbird Egg Burial in
Blue-headed Vireo Nest
Todd Underwood and Charles
R. Smith |
Notes and Observations:
Unusual Demise of a Juvenile European Starling Gerard
Phillips Canada Goose
Attack Osprey Jean Gawalt |
Red-tailed Hawk - A Poem
Maxwell C. Wheat, Jr |
Highlights of the 1999 Winter Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |
50 No. 1
March 2000 |
First Record of MacGillivray's Warbler for New
York State Richard
R. Viet and Margo E. Taylor |
Great Blue Heron Consumes Pine Cones: A Unique
Behavior Sean
Phelan |
Glossy Ibis Nests on Four Brothers Island, Essex
County J.M.C.
Peterson |
Notes and Observations:
Really Confusing Fall Warbler R.
Guthrie & B. Cook see photo
Have You Ever Seen a Heron Swim?
E. Levine |
Maxwell C.
Wheat Jr |
Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee
for 1997 |
Changes to the NYSARC Guidelines |
Changes to the NYSARC Review List |
The Revised NYSARC Review List |
Meet the Members of NYSARC |
Highlights of the 1999 Fall Season
Willie D'Anna |
Regional Reports |