"bible" of the state's birders since its publication in 1974,
John Bull's Birds of New York State has now been completely revised
and updated by the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs. This eagerly
awaited survey of bird life in the state today provides new and thorough
accounts of all 451 species on the official New York State checklist.
The book features 7 new maps4 in full colorand 30 striking
sketches by bird artist Dale Dyer.
Birders will find chapters covering topics from the prehistoric birds
of the region to contemporary bird habitats and the ways in which current
classification is being affected by DNA research. The species accounts
themselves pay particular attention to date parameters and frequency
of occurrence, details that are important to the active birder. Where
applicable, full subspecies discussions are included.
Meticulously prepared by the editor, Emanuel Levine, and the more than
70 members of the Federation who served as authors, this book will prove
invaluable to birdwatchers statewidewhether backyard feeder watchers,
casual birders, or dyed-in-the-wool enthusiasts.
EMANUEL LEVINE is Chairman of Publications for the New York State
Ornithological Association (formerly the Federation of New York State
Bird Clubs).
Check out the sample
species account shown here for the House Finch. See Gerry
Rising's review.
Since publication of the revised edition in 1998, several new
species have appeared in the state. In addition the editor,
Emanuel Levine, has asked for input from readers and birders on corrections
and updates, including new late and early dates, new maxima, new breeding
records, new records of birds categorized as "accidental",
"casual", or "very rare" as defined on pg. 8 of
the current volume. These data will appear on this website, as
well as being published on a regular basis in The Kingbird. For
current corrections and updates, click