New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

NYSOA PublicationsLast Updated 8/23/23
New York Birders

New York Birders, our newsletter, is published 4 times a year. It carries news of current interest and importance about birds and birders, items from member organization newsletters, information about birding hot spots, field trip notices, and articles sent in by birders. You can read a complete sample issue on this website.


A subscription to New York Birders is one of the benefits of NYSOA membership.

Submissions for New York Birders should be sent to:


Dan Miller
7264 Beadles Point Road
Cape Vincent, NY 13618
or email

Winter Issue:      November 1
Spring Issue:      February 1
Summer Issue:    May 1
Fall Issue:           August 1

Click on image to read sample issue

New York Birders Newsletter

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