Report - 2004
FOR 2004
The New York State Avian Records Committee (NYSARC) reviewed 130 reports
from 2004, involving 85 separate sightings, and an additional 15 reports
from 2003 or earlier. Reports were received from all over the state,
with 30 of the 62 counties represented. As usual, three counties dominated
the submissions (Monroe 24, Suffolk 15 and Niagara 14), a reflection
of the many excellent birding spots in these areas and commensurate number
of resident and visiting birders. The overall acceptance rate remains
high at 92%. Interestingly, the number of sightings that were documented
by more than one submission dropped significantly, from 35% in 2003 to
only 27% in 2004. This is unexpected given the ever-faster reporting
of rare birds via the Internet and mobile phones. With this in mind,
the Committee wishes to stress that all observers, not just the initial
finders, are encouraged to submit reports. Receipt of multiple reports
provides a fuller account of the sighting and helps to corroborate important
details, especially subjective features such as size, flight style and
vocalizations. Independent rather than collaborative reports are preferred.
A common error is to assume your co-observers will provide a report—all
too often they will be thinking the same and as a result no report will
reach the Committee. Likewise, it is important not to skimp on the details
under the (often mistaken) assumption that the missing information will
be provided by others. The number of contributors (a total of 72) was
also down slightly from last year. Their names are listed alongside accepted
reports as well as at the end of this document, and on behalf of the
New York State Ornithological Association (NYSOA), the Committee wishes
to thank all of the contributors for their reports. Where possible, we
will include the name of the original finder in the narrative even when
they failed to submit a report. Naturally, we would encourage all finders
to submit details as a permanent record of their discovery. We also extend
our appreciation to the cadre of hard working Kingbird Regional Editors,
who have taken pains to encourage the proper documentation of rare birds,
and to a number of experts in bird identification who helped in the review
Advice on how to prepare and submit a report is provided on the NYSARC
pages within the NYSOA web site:
Here you will also find an online reporting form that allows observers
to compose a written report and attach up to five digital image files.
A list of species requested for review by NYSARC (The Review List) is
also provided along with illustrated copies of previous annual reports.
The Committee is very grateful to Carena Pooth (NYSOA Director and Website
administrator) for updating and continuously improving the NYSARC web
site. Those who prefer not to use the online reporting form are encouraged
to send us documentation (written and photographic) via email or regular
mail. Reports, as well as any other correspondence for the Committee,
should be sent to:
Jeanne Skelly, Secretary for NYSARC
420 Chili-Scottsville Road, Churchville, NY 14428
Voting on the 2004 reports was finalized at the NYSARC Annual Meeting
held in Bay Shore, Long Island on 10 September 2006. These day-long meetings
of the Committee are used to finalize second and third rounds of voting,
review potential additions to the New York State Checklist, debate other
changes to the Review List and attend to miscellaneous Committee business.
Accepted reports from 2004 include several important state rarities,
the most notable being Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera), Bar-tailed
Godwit (Limosa lapponica), and Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula
calliope). The Committee also accepted a series of excellent reports
documenting a Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)
that spent several weeks on Cayuga Lake, one of very few inland records
for this coastal species. Among several older reports that were accepted,
two provided new additions to the NYS avifauna. A sight report from two
experienced observers of a Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma
castro) observed on the edge of the Continental Shelf in July 1997
brings the New York State Checklist to 467 species. A 1990 report of
a Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) attributed
to the western subspecies caniceps represents
the first documented occurrence of this distinctive taxon. Unless otherwise
stated, each report number (e.g., Cinnamon Teal 2004-9-A/E, below) refers
to a single individual bird. The letters following the number indicate
how many independent reports were received (five in the example just
given). County names appear in bold font, and a few standard abbreviations,
consistent with those in The Kingbird Regional Reports, are
employed to save space.
Reports Accepted

Ross's Goose
photo by Jody Hildreth
click photo to enlarge
Ross’s Goose (Chen rossii)
2004-55-A One,
Sulphur Springs Rd, Paris, Oneida, 23 Oct (Brenda Best,
ph Jody Hildreth)
2004-77-A One, Kings Ferry, Cayuga, 31
Oct (Curtis Marantz)
2004-80-A Two, Town of Kendall, Orleans, 27
Mar (Robert G. Spahn)
The occurrence of Ross’s Goose in the Northeast
has increased steadily over the past decade and there are now multiple
reports from NYS each winter. Acknowledging this sustained increase, the
species has been removed from the NYSARC Review List (NYSARC 2005). Descriptions
should still be included with all reports to Regional Editors, and the
possibility of a hybrid Ross’s x Snow Goose should be carefully considered.
Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii)
2004-11-A Nine, Steiner Rd, Town of Newstead, Erie, 6
Mar (William W. Watson)
2004-41-A Two, Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Genesee, 30
Oct (Dominic Sherony, Gary Chapin)
2004-44-A One or two, Gypsum
Pond, Oakfield, Genesee, 16 Nov (William W. Watson)
2004-45-A One,
Ring-necked Marsh Overlook, Orleans, 16
Nov (William W. Watson)
All of these birds showed characteristics of the
nominate subspecies (hutchinsii), often referred to as Richardson’s
Cackling Goose. The bulk of the population breeds in the central Canadian
Arctic and uses the Mississippi Flyway to reach wintering grounds in several
Mid-West states and Texas. Through careful documentation provided in these
reports it has become apparent to NYSARC that this species regularly winters
in western NY and elsewhere, sometimes in small flocks. Given the number
and spread of reports received, Cackling Goose was removed from the NYSARC
Review List in 2007 (see web site).
“Black” Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans)
2004-13-A One, Marine Park, Brooklyn, Kings, 14-21 Mar
(Angus Wilson, ph A. Wilson)
Careful scrutiny of the large flocks of “Atlantic” Brant
(B. b. hrota) that winter in coastal NY has revealed small numbers of “Black” Brant,
the dark plumaged population that winters along the Pacific Coast of North America
and into Baja, Mexico. Brant that show intermediate characters and are of uncertain
identity have also been documented in NY, and thus care must be taken to describe
or photo-document details of the neck collar, extent of black on the underparts
and tone of the upperparts.
Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera)
2004-9-A/E One male, Priem Road, Hamlin, Monroe, 28-30
Mar (William W. Watson, Dominic Sherony, Geoff Buell, Robert G. Spahn, Carolyn
T. Cass)
This male Cinnamon Teal, a first for Region 2, was discovered by Geoff
Buell. The five reports provided a very good description of the bird but unfortunately
no photographs were obtained. Like so many colorful waterfowl, Cinnamon Teal
are sometimes kept by collectors, and the Committee carefully considered the
familiar specter of an escape. In this case it was felt that the date was reasonable
for a wild bird migrating northwards with Green-winged Teal, perhaps moving up
from the Gulf Coast of Texas and Mexico, where the two species might come into
contact. The fact that it was present for only two days before vanishing is also
consistent with it being a wild bird.
“Eurasian” Green-winged Teal (Aythya crecca
2004-72-A One, Town of Dryden, Tompkins,5-7 Mar & 25
Apr (Jay McGowan, ph J. McGowan)
This Old-World subspecies of Green-winged Teal
(and candidate for full species) is consistently less common in central and western
NY than down along the southern coast, where a few occur each winter. Excellent
diagnostic photos accompanied this report.
Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)
2004-1-A/C One male, Sodus Bay, Sodus, Wayne, 11 & 25
Jan, 17 Feb (Carolyn Jacobs, Robert G. Spahn, Barbara Herrgesell, ph R. Spahn)
2004-23-A One male, Little Sodus Bay, Fairhaven, Cayuga, 2
Feb (Kevin McGann, ph K. McGann)
Although annual, the number of Tufted Ducks
observed in NY has decreased somewhat in the past few years. These two reports
quite possibly pertain to the same breeding plumaged male.
Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica)
2004-29-A One, Tiana Beach, Southampton, Suffolk, 18
May (Shaibal S. Mitra)
This well-described basic plumaged bird was studied
by several observers as it swam on the ocean just east of Shinnecock Inlet.
Unfortunately, it was not subsequently relocated.
Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis)
2004-12-A/B One, Wolf’s Pond State Park, Staten Island, Richmond, 14
Mar-10 Apr (Angus Wilson, Nikolas K. Haass) The Western Grebe was first reported
on 14 March by Peter Dorosh and is presumably the same individual that had frequented
the area in previous winters (see NYSARC 2002-51-A/B and 2003-19-A). The same
individual may also be responsible for regular sightings on the New Jersey side
of Raritan Bay, a relatively short distance as the grebe paddles.
White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)
2004-17-A One adult, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens, 16
May (Angus Wilson, ph A. Wilson)
This adult was photographed on the north side of the West Pond, where it bathed
briefly, having flown in from the adjacent salt marsh. Sightings of White-faced
Ibis have become more frequent as ibis populations continue to expand and observers
make more effort to search for this western species in the summering flocks of
Glossy Ibis (P.falcinellus). See Fig. C, p. 49.
Wood Stork (Mycteria americana)
2004-75-A One immature, Weedsport, Cayuga, 24 Oct (Glenn
Wolford, sketches and field notes included)
A resident of southern wetlands,
Wood Stork is prone to periodic incursions into the Northeast, sometimes involving
small flocks typically in the late summer and fall. This immature was spotted
flying into a small swampy area and convincingly sketched as it probed in the
water for food.
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis calurus)
2004-60-A One, Devil’s Hole State Park, Lewiston, Niagara, 31
Oct (Willie D’Anna)
Initially spotted by Dean DiTommaso as it soared over the Niagara River gorge,
this well-described adult showed characters of the dark western subspecies calurus,
which has been documented in NY on occasion, including from hawkwatch sites along
the Lake Ontario shore.
Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
2004-18-A One, Derby Hill Bird Observatory, Mexico, Oswego, 25
May (Kevin McGann)
Seen as it soared over the hawkwatch site at Derby Hill, this apparent light
morph adult was nicely described. Occurence of this species has become almost
annual during the spring hawk flights along the south shore of Lake Ontario.
Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
2004-81-A/B One, Braddock Bay Hawkwatch, Greece, Monroe, 30
Mar (Robert G. Spahn, Carolyn T. Cass)
Enough detail was provided on this notably large falcon moving above the Braddock
Bay Hawkwatch to convince the Committee on the identification. Among the features
noted were the appropriate size, shape and proportions, especially as compared
to a Peregrine Falcon (F. peregrinus), and a two-toned underwing.

Purple Gallinule
photo by Sean Sime
Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica)
2004-36-A/D One immature,Prospect Park, Brooklyn, Kings, 13-23
Oct (Angus Wilson, Sean Sime, Yolanda Garcia, Rob Jett, ph A. Wilson, S.
Sime, sketch Y. Garcia)
This confiding Purple Gallinule was discovered by Shane Blodgett on 13 October
and provided nice views as it remained in a small marsh in Prospect Park until
23 October. Sadly, feather remains found after that date suggest that it fell
victim to a predator. See Fig. B, p. 48.
Wilson’s Plover (Charadrius wilsonia)
2004-22-A One, Sandy Pond outlet, Town of Sandy Creek, Oswego, 21
May (Kevin McGann, ph K. McGann)
This Wilson's Plover was studied through a telescope for just under two hours
in the evening of 21 May, the detailed written description supplemented by four
excellent photographs. The plover was discovered by David Wheeler, providing
Region 5 with a wonderful first record, but, unfortunately, the bird was not
relocated the next day. Wilson’s Plover remains a fantastic find in New
York State, and especially so far away from the ocean beaches of Long Island.
The dark tone of the collar suggests a male, and the very extensive white on
the forehead points to the Atlantic and Gulf Coast subspecies wilsonia rather
than beldingi, which is resident in Baja California and western Mexico.
Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)
2004-20-A/C One, Mecox Bay, Southampton, Suffolk, 28-29
May (Susan S. Hoffmann, Angus Wilson, Ken Feustel, ph A. Wilson, K. Feustel)
This basic-plumaged Bar-tailed Godwit was discovered by Ken and Sue Feustel when
they stopped at Mecox Bay to perform a NYS Breeding Bird Atlas survey. A few
days earlier, a storm or high tide had opened a channel between the saltwater
pond and the Atlantic Ocean, creating an expansive sand flat attractive to migrating
shorebirds. In spite of the holiday weekend traffic, at least fifty local birders
managed to reach Mecox in time to see the godwit. Unfortunately, the breach to
the ocean was only temporary and the flats began to recede as the water level
of the pond increased again. The godwit was last seen shortly before dark on
29 May. The whitish underwings and rump were indicative of the nominate subspecies L.
l. lapponica, which nests on arctic tundra in Scandinavia and Russia and
winters widely across western Europe and coastal Africa. Interestingly, a very
similar-looking bird was discovered and photographed by Blair Nikula at South
Beach, Massachusetts on 5 June 2004 (Feustel and Feustel 2004). This is the sixth
record for NY and first since 1985 (NYSARC 1985-18-A). For a full account see
Feustel and Feustel (2004). See Fig. B, p. 48.
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
2004-16-A One, Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, Benning Marsh, Seneca, 7
May (Robert G. Guthrie, ph R. Guthrie)
Two color photographs supported the identification as a Ruff and showed the bird
in comparison to a Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca). Although
the observer felt that this was most likely a female, some committee members
felt that the structure might better fit a basic-plumaged male. Ruff was formerly
considered a scarce but regular migrant to NY, but for unknown reasons the species
has become significantly rarer in the past 10 to 15 years. In recognition of
this change, NYSARC now asks to review reports statewide (see NYSARC 2006).
Franklin’s Gull (Larus pipixcan)
2004-58-A One, Chestnut Road, Town of Newfane, Niagara, 2-8
Aug (Willie D’Anna, ph W. D’Anna)
This mostly winter-plumaged Franklin’s Gull was discovered on 1 August
by Jim Pawlicki and remained until the 20th. Identification was established by
written descriptions and by photographs taken by Willie D‘Anna.The same
area of flooded fields also hosted a good variety of shorebirds.
California Gull (Larus californicus)
2004-47-A/B One basic, Robert Moses Power Plant, Niagara, 7
Nov-12 Dec (William W. Watson, Willie D’Anna, ph W. D’Anna)
In recent years, one or two California Gulls have wintered along the Niagara
River, with most sightings coming from the rocks and jetties below the Robert
Moses Power Plant as viewed from the Canadian side of the gorge. This adult followed
the same pattern during its stay on the river.
Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
2004-21-A/B Two, Tiana Beach Marsh, Shinnecock Bay, Hampton Bays, Suffolk, 31
May (Paul H. Gillen, Jr., Michael R. Wasilco)
This spring date is unusual, as Sandwich Terns are more typical in the latter
half of the summer and early fall, often in association with tropical storms,
but this sighting might presage a trend towards late spring occurrences as well
(one benefit of global warming?).
Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
2004-30-A One, Mecox Bay, Southampton Town, Suffolk, 28
May (Shaibal S. Mitra)
Careful scrutiny of roosting terns at major tidal inlets along the south shore
of Long Island during the late spring and early summer has yielded a number of
Arctic Terns, typically subadult birds such as this well-described second summer
individual. Small numbers of Arctic Terns nest in Massachusetts and more abundantly
in Maine, and thus the scarcity in New York seems surprising but presumably reflects
their tendency to migrate well offshore. Elsewhere in NYS the species is exceptionally
rare, and all candidates should be rigorously documented.
Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)
2004-69-A One, Westport Marine, Westport, Essex, 3 Jul
(Matthew Medler)
This is only the eighth record of Black Skimmer away from the immediate coast
and is especially notable as it was not directly associated with a tropical storm.
Discovered on 29 June, the skimmer was the first for Essex Co. and for Region
7. It remained until 3 July.
Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)
2004-49-A/D One, Wells College, Cayuga Lake, Aurora, Cayuga, 30
Oct-29 Nov (Scott Haber, Mark Dettling, Jay McGowan, Curtis Marantz, ph J. McGowan)
Initially observed by Marcus Collins, Paul Hurtado and Erin Stephens. These excellent
reports were supported by a number of color photos. The observers are to be commended
for their careful discussions of the identification, in particular their appreciation
of the difficulties in separating basic-plumaged Black Guillemot from its Pacific
counterpart, Pigeon Guillemot (C. columba). This inland location is
sufficiently removed from the Atlantic Ocean and St. Lawrence Seaway that Black
Guillemot should not be considered the default choice. Both Black and Pigeon
Guillemots rarely wander significant distances inland from the coast, even after
major winter storms, and Pacific species such as Ancient and Long-billed murrelets
have occurred in upstate New York.
Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
2004-31-A/B One, Jones Beach West End, Hempstead, Nassau, 25
Aug (John J. Fritz, Joan Quinlan, ph J. Fritz)
Eurasian Collared-Dove was introduced to the Bahamas and has spread rapidly across
the southern and western portions of the United States. There are a handful of
reports from NYS, and this species was added to the NYS Checklist in 2002 (see
NYSARC 2004). It is likely that some of these birds do originate from established
populations to the south or west, whereas others may represent more recent escapes
(or deliberate releases) from captivity. With this in mind, observers are reminded
to document any sightings fully, paying careful attention to the possibility
of escapes and other exotic doves.
Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)
2004-61-A/B One, Owl Woods, Braddock Bay, Greece, Monroe, 30
Dec (Jeanne Skelly, Robert G. Spahn, ph J. Skelly, R. Spahn)
2004-71-A/E One, Central Park, New York, New York, 19
Dec-13 Jan 2005 (Rex G. Stanford, Nikolas K. Haass, Scott Haber, Yolanda Garcia,
Curtis Marantz, ph R. Stanford, sketch Y. Garcia)
2004-83-A One, Wilson-Tuscarora State Park, Wilson, 18
Dec (Willie D’Anna, ph W. D’Anna)
The winter of 2004/05 was exceptional for this rarely seen visitor from Canada,
and the clustering of dates suggests they arrived in the region at roughly the
same time. The Wilson-Tuscarora owl was discovered by Brett Ewald, who found
it roosting in the open during the Wilson-Lake Plains Christmas Bird Count. It
was seen by many count participants but could not be relocated the next day.
This constitutes the third record for Region 1. The Central Park individual was
discovered the next day (19 December) by James Demes, who was participating in
the Lower Hudson Christmas Bird Count. Initially thought to be the more likely
Northern Saw-whet Owl (A. acadicus), he went back to the spot later
that day, bringing along Peter Post and several other CBC participants, and they
quickly re-identified the owl as a Boreal. It roosted in trees near the famous
Tavern on the Green restaurant and was seen by an astonishing 1,000-1,500 people
during its near month-long stay. Based on size, the bird was tentatively sexed
as a female and was seen feeding on rats near the restaurant after nightfall!
For a full account see Post (2005). The Braddock Bay owl was discovered by David
Tetlow and seen by a number of lucky local birders before it also disappeared.
There are around 25 prior records of Boreal Owl for NYS, mostly from the Adirondacks
and Lake Ontario Plain (Yunick 1979, D’Anna 1998). The 2004/05 Boreal Owl
incursion coincides with one of the largest recorded influxes of northern owls
into the Midwest. In Minnesota, more than 400 Boreal Owls were recorded on a
single day (reference in Post 2005).
Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope)
2004-43-A One immature, Larchmont, Westchester, 4-6
Nov (Andrew Towle, ph Robbie Towle)
This Calliope Hummingbird frequented a feeder at a private residence and was
photographed by the homeowners. The Committee is grateful to Paul Lehman for
his detailed analysis of the bird, not least because it was photographed at the
very house he grew up in! In his comments, Paul drew attention to the white intrusion
at the base of the bill that breaks the dark loral line. This subtle mark appears
to be diagnostic for Calliope Hummingbird. Other important field marks included
the buffy flanks, small size and single purple gorget feather. This is the first
record for Westchester County and Region 9 and the third record for New York.

Ash-throated Flycatcher
photo by Sean Sime
Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens)
2004-56-A-F One, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, Monroe, 3-6
Dec (Dominic Sherony, William W. Watson, Jeanne Skelly, Willie D’Anna,
Jay McGowan, Robert G. Spahn, ph W. D’Anna, J. McGowan)
2004-66-A/B One-two, Prospect Park, Kings, 22Nov-20
Dec (Rob Jett, Shaibal S. Mitra, Patricia Lindsay, ph Steve Nanz, Sean Sime,
R. Jett, S. Mitra)
The Hamlin Beach SP flycatcher was found by David Tetlow and subsequently enjoyed
by many local birders during its four day stay; it also provided a first record
for Region 2. In Prospect Park an Ash-throated was seen by a throng of birders
and well photographed during a 29 day period commencing on 22 November. Interestingly,
on 5 December two Ash-throateds were seen interacting together, and there were
a few reports of two scattered birds in the park over the next week or so, with
the latest of these last noted on 20 December. In addition, another Ash-throated,
not sent to NYSARC for review, was reported from Coney Island on the Brooklyn
Christmas Bird Count on 18 December.
Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)
2004-64-A One, Bauer Road, Eden, Erie, 28 Aug (Michael
Zebehazy, stills from video M. Zebehazy)
Initially found by Bob Andrle. The Committee agreed with the observer’s
opinion that the bill of this bird seemed larger than expected. However, other
aspects of the plumage, including the black tail with white outer edges, seemed
most compatible with Western Kingbird, and the observer did mention that the
bill size seemed within range of museum skins subsequently studied.
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus)
2004-37-A One, Nike Base, Hamburg, Erie,7 Jun (Doug
This southern plains specialist is very rare in western NY, and this long-tailed,
presumed adult individual represents only the third record for Region 1. Unfortunately,
it could not be relocated during subsequent searches.
Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
2004-10-A/B One, Hosmer Road, Hartland, Niagara, 27
Mar (William W. Watson, Willie D’Anna)
The careful descriptions adequately ruled out Northern Shrike, the more likely
shrike at this early spring date. Loggerhead Shrikes continue to decline in eastern
North America and, although once a breeding species, are now barely annual in
NY, with most records coming from the western and central portions of the state.

White-eyed Vireo
photo by Jay McGowan
click photo to enlarge
White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus)
2004-74-A/B One, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, Monroe, 4
Dec (Jay McGowan, Robert G. Spahn, ph J. McGowan)
Discovered by David Tetlow and Dominic Sherony whilst searching for the Ash-throated
Flycatcher (2004-56-A/F), it was last reported on 12 December. White-eyed Vireo
is a common breeder in southern NYS (Region 10 and coastal portion of Region
9) but is very rare statewide during the winter. See fig. C, p. 49.
Cave Swallow (Petrochelidon fulva)
2004-42-A/B Three, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, Monroe, 21
Oct (Dominic Sherony, Jeanne Skelly)
2004-48-A/C Three, Stewart Park, Ithaca, Tompkins, 24
Nov (Mark Chao, Jay McGowan, Curtis Marantz, ph M. Chao, J. McGowan)
2004-52-A One, Captree State Park, Suffolk, 26
Nov (Shaibal S. Mitra, Patricia Lindsay)
2004-78-A Four, Lake Road, Wayne, 23 Nov (Robert
G. Spahn)
Cave swallow is ostensibly a Central and South American species that extended
its range into the southern United States during the early 1900’s. For
unknown reasons, small but seemingly increasing numbers of birds move northwards
in mid-to-late fall, sometimes in small flocks. Incursions seem to begin with
a movement into the center of the continent, with the birds funneling eastward
along the southern shorelines of Lakes Erie and Ontario before percolating down
to the coast. The 2004 sightings fit this emerging pattern.

Mountain Bluebird
photo by S. S. Mitra
click photo to enlarge
Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides)
2004-53-A One, hatch year male, Robert Moses State Park, Suffolk, 20-28
Nov (Shaibal S. Mitra, ph S. Mitra)
This cooperative bird was found by Mickey Cashman and enjoyed and exten-sively
photographed by many local birders during its nine day stay. It frequented the
western end of Parking Field 5, feeding in plain view along the grassy edges
and even on the bare concrete of this spacious parking lot. See Fig. C, p. 49.
Townsend’s Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi)
2004-70-A/B One Maidstone Park, East Hampton, Suffolk, 31
Dec-9 Jan 2005 (Arie Gilbert, Shaibal S. Mitra, ph S. Mitra)
Discovered on the Sagaponack Christmas Bird Count on 19 December by Bryan Pfeiffer.
Although elusive at times, the solitaire remained in an expansive stand of junipers
and berry bushes at least until 18 January 2005 and was well appreciated by the
many birders having the patience to track it down.
Cape May Warbler (Dendroicatigrina)
2004-85-A One first year female, Robert Moses State Park, Suffolk, 16
Jan (Robert J. Berlingeri)
Given the lack of foliage at this time of year and the very cold and windy conditions,
it is perhaps not surprising that this Cape May Warbler was observed feeding
on the ground rather than in a more typical arboreal context. The observer was
initially puzzled by the fact that it appeared to be walking rather than hopping;
however, it is known that Cape May Warblers will walk along branches, and this
seemingly odd behavior may be a reflection of the desperate conditions. Another
Cape May Warbler was reported on the same day from eastern Long Island, but further
details were not submitted for review.
“Audubon’s” Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica
coronata auduboni)
2004-39-A/B One, Swan Pen, Stewart Park, Ithaca, Tompkins, 2
Nov (Jessie Ellis, Curtis Marantz)
Very carefully described by observers familiar with this subspecies of Yellow-rumped
Warbler. Once considered a distinct species, “Audubon’s” Warbler
breeds in western Canada and the western US as well as northern Mexico, wintering
in southern parts of its breeding range and into Central America; it is a quite
rare visitor to NY.
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens)
2004-84-A/B One male, Cayuga Island, Niagara Falls, Niagara 17-18
Dec (Joan Hilts, Willie D’Anna, ph J. Hilts)
While watching Black-capped Chickadees in her backyard, Joan Hilts noticed an
unfamiliar bird, which she had the foresight to photograph. Together with husband
David, she consulted a field guide and correctly identified it as a Black-throated
Gray Warbler. Realizing the significance, Joan contacted Jerry Farrell, who then
alerted others. The Black-throated Gray Warbler remained in thick spruce trees
until 19 December, providing a third record for Region 1. See Fig. C, p. 49.
Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica dominica)
2004-24-A Two, Allegany State Park, Cattaraugus, 28Jun
(William W. Watson)
2004-35-A One, Chestnut Ridge Park, Orchard Park, Erie, 11,
13, & 31 Jul (Mike Morgante)
2004-40-A One, Jones Beach State Park, Nassau, 24
Oct (Zubin Haghi, ph Z. Haghi)
2004-59-A One male, Fort Niagara State Park, Youngstown, Niagara, 16
May (Willie D’Anna, ph W. D’Anna)
2004-76-A One pair, Allegany State Park. Cattaraugus, 5
Jun-18 Jul (Timothy Baird, ph T. Baird)
2004-82-A One, Durand Eastman Park, Rochester, Monroe, 1
May (Sandra Hazen)
The number of mid-summer reports is notable and perhaps reflects more comprehensive
coverage as part of Breeding Bird Atlas Surveys. Tim Baird discovered a pair
of nesting Yellow-throated Warblers near the Administration Building in the Red
House Lake section of Allegany SP and witnessed one of the adults feeding a fledgling
on 18 July. A pair also nested in Allegany SP in 1984. An unpaired male was on
territory at Chestnut Ridge Park, some 40 miles to the north. In Region 10, Yellow-throated
Warblers are more frequent in the early spring, so the mid-fall bird from Jones
Beach SP is notable; it was discovered on 16 October and remained until 24 October.
The frequency of appearances and distinctiveness of this species have prompted
NYSARC to remove it from the review list (NYSARC 2006).
Swainson’s Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii)
2004-19-A One, Wagner College, Staten Island, Richmond 20
May (Howard Fischer)
This Swainson's Warbler was heard singing for about 10 minutes before finally
revealing itself to the patiently searching observer. The plumage was well described
and ruled out other warblers; however, the song was not described, which would
have enhanced the report, as written descriptions of a bird’s song can
be a key element for identification purposes.

Mourning Warbler
photo by Lloyd Spitalnik
click photo to enlarge
Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia)
2004-38-A One, Central Park, New York, New York, 25-26
Oct (Lloyd Spitalnik, ph L. Spitalnik)
This is a late date for Mourning Warbler and raised the possibility of the very
similar MacGillivray’s Warbler (O. tolmiei). The color photographs
showed a number characters that confirmed the identification as Mourning, including
the long undertail coverts, character of the eye ring (thin and slightly broken),
yellow-tinged throat, and a couple of black feathers on the chest.
Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana)
2004-63-A One, Setauket, Suffolk, 27 Dec (Shaibal S.
Mitra, Patricia Lindsay, ph S. Mitra)
Hugh McGuinness, Brian Kane, and Peter Scully, Jr. found this Western Tanager
at Setauket Mill Pond during the Smithtown Christmas Bird Count. It was seen
and nicely photographed by a number of count participants and others during the
afternoon but not thereafter.
Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)
2004-57-A/D One, Town of Porter, Niagara, 15 Dec-12
Jan 2005 (William W. Watson, Jim Landau, Willie D’Anna, ph Jim Wojewodzki,
W. D’Anna)
Discovered by Vicki Rothman on 15 December. Convincing written descriptions were
supported by five confirming color photographs by Jim Wojewodzki and two by Willie
D’Anna. See Fig. C, p. 49.
Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni)
2004-34-A One, Amherst Bike Path, Amherst, Erie, 27
Sep (William W. Watson)
The description was indicative of the inland-nesting subspecies (A. n. nelsoni),
and thus presumably represents a migrant en route to its coastal wintering grounds.
Harris’s Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula)
2004-50-A/B One, West Seneca, Erie, 14-17 May (Susan
M. O’Donnell, Theodore P. Swiatek, ph Willie D’Anna)
Discovered by Theodore Swiatek visiting his backyard feeders, this handsome adult
was nicely photographed during its 4-day stay, leaving no doubt as to its identification.
Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)
2004-26-A One male, Tifft Nature Preserve, Erie, 12
May (Nancy Vigyikan, Paul Vigyikan)
A very fortuitous find of an adult male, this bird was observed for only a short
while as it foraged along a trail with a couple of White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia
albicollis), providing Region 1 with its third record.
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
2004-28-A One female, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, Richmond, 9
Jul (Edward W. Johnson)
Originally found by Phil Brown on 8 July, this blackbird was nicely described
as it fed with Eurasian Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and Brown-headed
Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) on the ground at the Cultural Center. Recent
summer occurrences of this species in the New York City area represent an interesting
new trend.
Hoary Redpoll (Caduelis hornemanni)
2004-2-A Nine individuals, Waterville, Oneida,7 Jan-25
Mar (Jody Hildreth, ph J. Hildreth)
2004-3-A One, West Burlington, Otsego, 12-30
Jan (Tom Salo, ph T. Salo)
2004-5-A One, Gansevoort, Saratoga, 26 Jan
-27 Feb (Barbara Putnam, ph B. Putnam)
2004-6-A One male, Fishers Landing, Orleans, Jefferson, 7
Jan (Nick Leone)
2004-8-A One, Route 79, Broome, 7 Jan (Dan
2004-14-A One, West Burlington, Otsego, 21
Mar (Tom Salo)
Jody Hildreth provided a particularly detailed report on the nine individuals
visiting his feeders in Waterville, Oneida. This included highly informative
side-by-side photographs of Hoary Redpoll and Common Redpoll (C. flammea)
in virtually identical poses. The Committee also commends Jody for correctly
identifying a very pale male Common Redpoll that exhibited several of the field
marks usually attributed to Hoary Redpoll. This serves to emphasize the similarities
between the two species and the need for multiple positive field marks. See Hildreth
(2004) for details. The other Hoary Redpolls were described with varying degrees
of detail but were found to be acceptable. Though Hoary Redpoll outbreaks are
cyclical, a sufficient number of reports have been received to document the trend,
and therefore Hoary Redpoll has been removed from the NYSARC Review List (NYSARC
Reports Accepted but Origins Uncertain or Unnatural
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)
2004-51-A One, Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, Seneca, 11
Nov (William W. Watson)
2004-68-A Seven, Morristown, St Lawrence, 10
Oct (Robert E. Long, ph R. Long)
The exact status of Trumpeter Swan in NYS remains uncertain, but the continued
reporting of these attractive swans is helping NYSARC keep track of the population
both in terms of nesting events and the wanderings of marked birds. It is believed
that all originate directly or indirectly from a combination of the Ontario introduction
project and unauthorized releases by an aviculturist in Wayne Co. At this time,
it is not clear that the NYS population is able to sustain itself without being
supplemented by birds from additional introductions. For an excellent summary
of Trumpeter Swans in NY and in the northeast, see Sherony and Bolsinger (2007).
Also see NYSARC 2007 regarding our policy on addition of exotic species to the
NYS checklist.
Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
2004-4-A/B One adult gray phase, Sodus Point, Sodus, Wayne, 21
Feb-1 Mar (Barbara Herrgesell, Dominic Sherony, ph D. Sherony)
This adult female was discovered on 20 February by Mike Tetlow. Subsequent observers
noted that it sported a metal US Fish & Wildlife Service band and after recapture
was determined to be an individual that had been impounded by the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation and later re-released into the wild.
Although the specific details remain sketchy, the Committee was informed that
this Gyrfalcon had been captured illegally in Jefferson Co. NY. Given the lack
of substantive evidence for the location of the original capture and concerns
that the subsequent behavior of the bird was unnaturally influenced by its exposure
to humans, the Committee decided to place the reports in this qualified category.
The identification is not questioned.
Reports Accepted in Revised Form
Albatross species (Thalassarche sp.)
2004-25-A One, 1 mile SE Moriches Inlet, Suffolk, 23
May (Michael R. Wasilco)
Submitted as a Yellow-nosed Albatross (Thalassarche chlororhynchos),
this smaller albatross briefly visited a chartered fishing boat that was
relatively close to shore. Unfortunately, the observer did not have optics
on hand but was able to get clear general impressions of the bird with
the naked eye. It is known that one or more Yellow-nosed Albatrosses have
been occurring in the western Atlantic each year (perhaps the same bird(s)?),
often being sighted from land or even, occasionally, overland. The description
of the bill and white head is certainly consistent with Yellow-nosed Albatross;
however, the Committee was concerned that other smaller albatross species,
notably Black-browed Albatross (T. melanophris), could not be
firmly excluded.
“Solitary” Vireo (Vireo [solitarius] sp.)
2004-62-A One, McIntyre Road, Fort Edward, Washington, 19
Dec (Barbara Putnam)
Any “Solitary” Vireo observed in the winter months is worthy of very
careful scrutiny and documentation. This bird was submitted as a Blue-headed
Vireo (V. solitarius), the seemingly most likely candidate. After discussion,
the Committee concluded that at such an extreme date other possibilities needed
to be firmly ruled out. Although the Committee agreed that the description of
plumage coloration adequately excluded Plumbeous Vireo (V.plumbeus),
the possibility of Cassin's Vireo (V. cassinii) could not be safely
excluded, and it seems prudent to record this as a member of the “Solitary” Vireo
species complex.

Dark-eyed Junco
photo by Tim Baird
Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)
2004-27-A One, Allegany State Park, Cattaraugus, 21
Nov (Timothy Baird, ph T. Baird)
Originally submitted as a Dark-eyed Junco, possible “Oregon” Junco
(J. h. oreganus). This very interesting bird was seen feeding with about
20 “Slate-colored” Juncos (J. h. hyemalis), and in the
photos provided, showed an extensive blackish hood, clearly demarcated from the
much lighter gray-brown back color and white underparts. The flanks were light
gray, and thus various aspects of the color pattern did not conform to a typical “Oregon” Junco.
After researching the Dark-eyed Junco complex, the Committee felt that this bird
was best left as a Dark-eyed Junco of undetermined subspecific origins. See Fig.
C, p. 49.
2004 Reports with No Decision Rendered
Tufted Duck hybrid
2004-79-A One, Braddock Bay Marina, Monroe, 8 Apr (Robert
This good report provided a complete description of a male Aythya duck
that strongly resembled a Tufted Duck (A. fuligula) but was submitted
as a Tufted Duck hybrid. Some aspects of its appearance suggested to the observer
that it might be a hybrid of uncertain combination, with one possibility being
Ring-necked Duck (A. collaris). Unfortunately, no photographs were obtained,
and the Committee felt that the description lacked sufficient detail to speculate
further on its parentage.
Northern Parula x Cerulean Warbler hybrid 2004-33-A/B
One hybrid, Vanderbilt National Historic Site, Hyde Park, Dutchess, 4,
6, & 21 Jun (Carena Pooth, Rodney Johnson)
A most interesting bird, showing plumage characters of both Northern Parula (Parula
americana) and Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) and singing
a predominately Parula song. Members of the Committee expressed their appreciation
for the attention to detail in these reports, including subtle distinctions in
bill shape, tail length, overall proportions and other field marks. However,
the Committee felt that without DNA evidence, it would not be possible to confirm
the lineage of this bird, although the hypothesis seems correct. For a full description
of this event, see Pooth and Johnson (2004).
Reports Accepted
Ross’s Goose (Chen rossii)
2003-86-A One specimen, Cassadaga, Chautauqua, 2 Dec
(Allen Benton, ph A. Benton)
This adult was shot by a hunter, Joseph McQuiggan, who, upon inspection, realized
that its small size and the heavy concentration of warts around the base of the
bill would make it a Ross’s Goose. He called Allen Benton, who confirmed
the identification and provided the Committee with a narrative of the event and
a definitive photo of the head of the bird.
Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)
2003-87-A One male, Oswego Harbor, Oswego, 14 Dec (Kevin
A good, complete description of a male in almost full breeding plumage, a sight
that is becoming less common in NY for as yet to be understood reasons.
Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica)
2003-90-A One, Cayuga Lake at East Varick, Seneca, 28
Apr (Jay McGowan, ph J. McGowan)
This Pacific Loon in complete or near-complete alternate plumage was studied
for almost an hour and carefully photographed by Jay McGowan. Two or three Common
Loons (G. immer) were also present, providing good perspective on size
and structure.
Franklin’s Gull (Larus pipixcan)
2003-91-A One adult, Myers Point Town Park, Lansing, Tompkins, 13
May (Jay McGowan, ph J. McGowan)
The excellent description and color photographs clearly establish the identification
as a Franklin’s Gull coming into alternate plumage. The partial cap suggests
this bird might not be a full adult. Although a common migrant through the Midwest,
Franklin’s Gull is quite rare in NYS, especially over the past 10 years
or so, and few sightings are as well documented as this bird.
Townsend’s Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi)
2003-92-A One Grand Island, Erie,6 Dec (Susan M. O‘Donnell)
A decent description was received for this solitaire, enjoyed by participants
on a birding visit to Grand Island. Also present there the following day, this
solitaire provided Region 1 with its second record.
Hoary Redpoll (Caduelis hornemanni)
2003-88-A One male, Newcomb, Essex, 22 Dec (William
Raup, ph W. Raup)
This reasonable description, missing a couple of key field marks but accompanied
by two photographs illuminating some of the pertinent characters separating Hoary
from Common Redpoll (C. flammea), was deemed, after discussion, to be
acceptable by the Committee.
Reports Accepted
American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
2002-95-A Two, Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, Seneca, 6
Oct (Jay McGowan, ph J. McGowan)
These two pelicans were nicely photographed both in flight and as they loafed
and fed on a pond at the Refuge. This species has developed a pattern of regular
appearances in the northern portion of NYS, and NYSARC review is now required
only for downstate occurrences (NYSARC 2006).
King Rail (Rallus elegans)
2002-96-A/B One, Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, Seneca, 2
Jun (Jay McGowan, Matthew Medler, ph Matt Victoria)
This King Rail was found on 2 June and remained until at least 24 June, usually
requiring some patience before it would come into view in the heavily vegetated
marsh it frequented. Photographs by Matt Victoria were included with report 2002-96-B.
Painting Bunting (Passerina ciris)
2002-93-A One male, SW shore of Seneca Lake, Watkins Glen, Schuyler, 14-16
May (Robert C. King, Jr.)
This unmistakable adult male, well photographed while visiting private feeders
for a three day period, provided a first record for Schuyler Co.
Report Accepted
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
2001-84-A One juvenile, Cutchogue, Suffolk, 23 Sep
(Shaibal S. Mitra, Patricia Lindsay)
Although Ruff is the most frequently encountered Old World shorebird in eastern
North America, it is a remarkable fact that only 1-2% are juveniles. By comparison,
juveniles make up a higher percentage of sightings on the west coast and in Alaska.
The prevalence of adults in both spring and fall on the east coast supports the
theory that many Ruffs cross from West Africa to South America during their southbound
migration and then travel north into the United States and Canada the following
spring. West coast birds are presumed to have traveled directly from their Siberian
breeding grounds and follow a more typical Asiatic-vagrant pattern of adults
in mid/late-summer followed by juveniles in the fall. The recent decline in sightings
of Ruff in the East has prompted the Committee to raise the species to full review
status (NYSARC 2006), and thus this careful documentation of a juvenile is especially
Report Accepted
Band-rumped Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma castro)
1997-74-A One, pelagic south-southeast of Montauk Point, 13 Jul (Paul
A. Buckley, Richard R. Veit)
Submitted more than seven years after the event, this report is definitely a
case of “better late than never.” This storm-petrel was observed
from a research ship stationed on the Continental Shelf to the east of Hudson
Canyon (39º 46' 59.78" N, 71º 16' 59.81" W). The proximity
to extremely deep water is appropriate for this cryptic species. The bird was
not photographed, and the identification relies entirely on the written description
provided, especially the comparisons to accompanying Wilson’s Storm-Petrels
(Oceanites oceanicus). The observers noted that the majority of the
Wilson’s were in molt (appropriate for July) and that the Band-rumped Storm-Petrel
was in fresh plumage. Key features that were noted included its tendency towards
shearwater-like glides, slightly larger size compared to other storm-petrels,
tendency to hold its wings on a horizontal rather than in ‘V’ profile
whilst pattering, relatively longer wings that swept back at the carpal, and
apparent absence of yellow foot webs. Band-rumped Storm-Petrels breed on several
islands in the eastern Atlantic, including the Azores, Canary Islands, Salvage
Islands and Madeira, and range across warm waters of the central Atlantic into
the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico. Occurrence of Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in
NYS pelagic waters has long been predicted, most likely over very deep water
and during the warmer months. Sightings are regular off North Carolina, with
a handful of reports along the Continental Shelf as far north as Massachusetts.
Searching appropriate habitat in NYS waters is relatively difficult because of
the distances involved. We hope that this first state record will encourage future
dedicated pelagic excursions to range into appropriate areas and, with luck,
to obtain photographic documentation of the species.
Report Accepted
“Gray-headed” Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis
1990-38-A One, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, Monroe, 24
Nov (Dominic Sherony)
This very interesting 1990 Dark-eyed Junco report, involving a race of what was
previously considered a separate species, Gray-headed Junco, was originally submitted
to the Genesee Ornithological Society’s records committee but not to NYSARC.
The original submission was more recently provided to NYSARC along with comparative
notes added by the observer regarding his subsequent observations of “Gray-headed” Juncos
in the southwestern US. Key field marks mentioned in the description of this
bird, observed at Hamlin Beach in a flock of “Slate-colored” Juncos
(J. h. hyemalis), included an all pinkish-white bill, a rich rusty brown
back, and a uniform light gray coloration throughout the underparts, among others.
The field marks seemed conclusive enough to the Committee to indicate this subspecies
and rule out both a more southern race of “Gray-headed” Junco (J.
h. dorsalis) and a possible hybrid with the former “Pink-sided” Junco
(J. h. mearnsi), also lumped into the Dark-eyed Junco complex. This
constitutes a new Junco form for NYS.
Not Accepted
Some reports are not accepted by the NYSARC for various reasons. The
most frequent is that the material submitted to the Committee was considered
insufficient or too vague to properly document the occurrence and/or
eliminate similar species. Simply stating the species and location of
the bird(s) is almost without exception not enough for acceptance. Likewise,
saying that it looked just like the illustration in the field guide is
unlikely to be sufficient. Records are never rejected because the observer
is unfamiliar to the Committee or has had records rejected in the past.
Every effort is made to be as fair and objective as possible, but if
the Committee is unsure about a submission, it tends to err on the conservative
side, preferring not to accept a good record rather than validate a bad
one. All submissions, whether accepted or not, remain in the archive
and can be re-evaluated if additional substantive material is presented.
The Secretary or Chair can advise on whether the new information is sufficient
to warrant re-evaluation by the Committee. Descriptions prepared from memory
weeks, months, or even years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably.
The Committee cannot overstate the importance of taking field notes of
uncommon or rare birds while the bird is under study or, if this is not
possible, immediately afterwards. It is very helpful to include a photocopy
of your field notes with the report. This helps the Committee to know
what was seen at the time of the observation, before field guides or
other sources of information were consulted. Field sketches, no matter
how crude, can be extremely useful in illustrating what you saw. Lastly,
when writing a report, it is very important to explain how you settled
on the identification. What did you see or hear that clinched the identification
for you? This vital aspect of a good report is frequently omitted. Providing
a detailed answer to this question will greatly enhance the report and
further improve your birding skills.
Reports Not Accepted
Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii)
2004-46-A Three, Verona Marsh, Verona, Oneida, 14 Nov
2004-67-A Six, Batavia Water Treatment Plant, Batavia, Genesee, 27
Although these may well have been Cackling Geese, the descriptions were insufficient
to firmly rule out the possibility that these were simply small Canada Geese B.
canadensis, which are known to occur because of insufficient nutrition as
chicks or fledglings.
Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
2004-73-A One, Tri-cities Airport, Broome,9 Sep
The report indicated a Calidris-type sandpiper in basic plumage, but
the brief description did not adequately rule out Dunlin (C. alpina);
females of the Hudson Bay subspecies hudsonia can appear very long-billed
and might be confused with Curlew Sandpiper. In addition, key field marks to
distinguish a Curlew, such as a white rump and longer legs, were not noted.
California Gull (Larus californicus)
2004-15-A One 2nd winter, 6 ½ Station Road, Goshen, Orange, 10
Though the description was suggestive, some aspects of this immature gray-mantled
gull did not fit with expectations for California Gull, including the width of
the dark tail band, and other critical details were missing, such as eye and
leg color and comparative shade of gray on the mantle. For difficult identifications
of immature gulls at unexpected locations, a full suite of field marks and, ideally,
a good series of photographs are really needed to support the identification.
Razorbill (Alca torda)
2004-54-A/B One, Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, Monroe, 2
In what must have been an extremely frustrating experience, two skilled observers
studied this distant sleeping water bird for at least 45 minutes. The bird raised
its head only once during the entire observation period, and the observers were
forced to use deductive logic to narrow down the possibilities based on the few
details they could see. Ultimately, the Committee was not convinced that this
interesting bird could be identified with certainty as a Razorbill, a very unusual
species away from a marine habitat. Some members felt that Thick-billed Murre
(Uria lomvia) might fit the description better, whereas others were
not convinced this was necessarily an alcid. Stumbling blocks included the unexpectedly
large size compared to Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator), the
relative shortness of the tail, and the fact that the bird's head was folded
back rather than simply retracted in typical alcid style.
Northern Hawk Owl ((Surnia ulula)
2004-65-A One, Town of Richfield, Otsego, 21 Dec
Though a distinctive species, the description submitted was insufficient for
this bird to be identified with any certainty.
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana)
2004-32-A One, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens, 1
This bird was observed very briefly and noted for its long dark tail. Unfortunately,
the brief details do not firmly establish that this was a flycatcher rather than
an exotic such as a male Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura). For instance,
a small red spot noted on the dark head seems inconsistent with Fork-tailed Flycatcher.
Hoary Redpoll (Caduelis hornemanni)
2004-7-A One or two, Morris, Otsego, 11-24 Feb
Birders need to be aware that some Common Redpolls (C. flammea) are
paler and will stand out in a flock. Thorough study and the observation of several
field marks are usually needed to identify a Hoary Redpoll.
Report Not Accepted
Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica)
2003-89-A One, Lake Ontario at Derby Hill, Mexico, Oswego, 1
An intriguing report and appropriately labeled by the observer as “a possible
Arctic Loon,” realizing that it was not seen well enough to definitively
rule out other loons and confirm a first NYS record. The loon was first seen
swimming some 200-300 yards away. The conditions on the lake were very windy
with estimated 6-8 foot waves! The observer moved to consult a field guide and
call the attention of another birder but on return was unable to relocate the
bird. The true status of Arctic Loon on the Atlantic coast of North America is
not well understood, as most reports turn out to be other loon species. For more
information on this identification challenge see Birch and Lee (1997).
Report Not Accepted
Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis)
2002-17-C One, Ripley Hawkwatch, Erie, 11 Apr
This report was originally submitted to the Buffalo Ornithological Society and
not forwarded to NYSARC in time to be reviewed together with the initial reports
(2002-17-A/B). Collectively, the observers describe a very interesting pale Buteo-type
hawk that was studied as it passed over the Ripley Hawkwatch but unfortunately
was not photographed. The new report is a welcome addition to the archive but,
after careful consideration, did not sway the Committee towards acceptance of
this bird as the first state record. See NYSARC 2004 for further details and
reasoning behind the decision.
Timothy Baird, Allen Benton, Robert J. Berlingeri,
Brenda Best, P. A. Buckley, Geoff Buell, Carolyn T. Cass, Mark Chao,
Gary Chapin, Willie D’Anna, Mark Dettling, Robert T. Dobson, Jesse
Ellis, Ken Feustel, Howard Fischer, John J. Fritz, Yolanda Garcia, Arie
Gilbert, Paul H. Gillen, Jr., Stanley Greenberg, Robert G. Guthrie, Nikolas
K. Haass, Scott Haber, Zubin Haghi, Doug Happ, Sandra Hazen, Barbara
Herrgesell, Jody Hildreth, Joan Hilts, Susan S. Hoffmann, Carolyn Jacobs,
Rob Jett, Edward W. Johnson, Rodney Johnson, Robert C. King, Jr., Jim
Landau, Nick Leone, Patricia J. Lindsay, Robert E. Long, Curtis Marantz,
Kevin McGann, Jay McGowan, Matthew Medler, Shaibal S. Mitra, Michael
Morgante, Susan M, O’Donnell, Monica Peters, Carena Pooth, Barbara
Putnam, Joan Quinlan, William Raup, Joe Richardson, Tom Salo, Dominic
Sherony, Sean Sime, Thomas A. Simmons, Jeanne Skelly, Robert G. Spahn,
Lloyd Spitalnik, Rex G. Stanford, Theodore P. Swiatek, Andrew Towle,
John P. Tramontano, Richard R. Veit, Nancy Vigyikan, Paul Vigyikan, Michael
R. Wasilco, Dan Watkins, William W. Watson, Angus Wilson, Glenn Wolford,
Michael Zebehazy.
Angus Wilson (Chair), Jeanne Skelly (Secretary),
S. Bolsinger, Thomas W. Burke, Andrew Guthrie, Steve Kelling,
S. Mitra and Dominic Sherony.
Literature Cited
Birch, A. and Lee, C-T, 1997. Field identification of Arctic and Pacific
Loons. Birding 29: 106-115.
D’Anna, W.C. 1998. Boreal Owl pg. 338-339 in Bull’s
Birds of New York State (E. Levine, editor). Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, NY.
Feustel, K. and S. Feustel 2004. Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)
at Mecox Bay, Long Island, 28-29 May, 2004: New York State's Sixth Record. Kingbird 54(3):
Hildreth, J. 2004. Redpolls in Central New York—Winter 2003-2004. Kingbird54(2):
NYSARC 2004. Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee for
2002. Kingbird 54(4): 282-313.
NYSARC 2005. Changes to the New York State Avian Review List. Kingbird55(3):
NYSARC 2006. Changes to the New York State Avian Review List. Kingbird56(3):
NYSARC 2007. Guidelines for the Admission of Exotic Species to the New
York State Checklist. Kingbird 57(1): 9-11.
Pooth, C. and R. Johnson 2004. An Unusually Plumaged Cerulean Warbler
Singing a Northern Parula Song in Dutchess County, NY. Kingbird 54(4):
Post, Peter W. 2005. Boreal Owl in Central Park, New York County. Kingbird55(2):
Sherony, D. and J. Bolsinger 2007. The Status of Trumpeter Swans in New
York State in 2007. Kingbird 57(1): 2-8.
Yunick, R. P. 1979. A Review of New York State Boreal Owl Records. Kingbird 24(4):
181-189. |