These are not projects of NYSOA. This information is
provided for birders who may encounter marked birds.
Double-crested Cormorants have been banded in sevearal separate
projects. The color and alpha-numeric coding schemes for the projects
are different. If you see banded Double-crested Cormorants, please note
the color of the band(s) as well as the code and report the information
to the appropriate contact listed below.
New York Harbor Colonial Waterbird Study, 2011 UPDATED 8/31/11
UPDATE - from Susan Elbin, August 31, 2011:
We continue to color band long-legged wading birds as part of a foraging study project with New York City Audubon and New Jersey Audubon. Since 2008, we have color-banded Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Glossy Ibis, and Double-crested Cormorant. The number in parentheses is the total number banded to date.
Double-crested Cormorant (1,200)
Left Leg: USFWS metal band
Right Leg: ORANGE leg bands etched with 3-digit BLACK alpha numeric code
Please keep an eye out for banded birds. In addition to the band information, please record the date, location, and number of (other) birds. These data will help us better document the dispersal pattern of these fledglings.
Please email report to:
Susan Elbin
New York City Audubon
71 W. 23rd St.
New York, NY 10010
Phone: 212-691-7483
Cormorants banded in
NY Harbor and Westchester County, NY
(Orange band with black letter-number-number)
2008 Update: New York City Audubon’s Colonial
Waterbirds team has color-banded ~700 cormorants (fledglings) during
the past three field seasons. Most of the birds were banded on Swinburne
Island, off the coast of Staten Island. About 100 were banded in Westchester
County. Our color code, an orange band with black alpha-numerics, is
letter-number-number (e.g. K99). If you see these or any color-banded
cormorants in this area, please
and let us know
where and when you saw them.
Cormorants banded on Oneida
(Dark blue band with 3-digit
numeric code)
A total of 295 Double-crested Cormorants were
color banded on Oneida Lake
between 2001 and 2004. Dark blue bands with white, triple numeric
code (001, 002, etc.) have been deployed on both juvenile and adult
aluminum FWS bands. Birds banded as chicks carry blue color bands on
left legs, with codes ranging from 001 to 254. Cormorants banded as adults
carry blue color bands on their right legs, with codes ranging from
300 to
343. The bands of most birds should read from top to bottom, with the
first digit being closest to the body of the bird. Please note the
number of the band and the date and location of the sighting. If unable
to read
the code, then just noting which leg the color band is on will yield
useful information.
Please report any sightings and information to:
Jeremy Coleman
Cornell Biological Field Station
Bridgeport, NY 13206
(315) 633-9243

Cormorants banded on Lake Ontario
(Other colors of bands with
3-character codes containing numbers and a letter)
Double-crested Cormorants were banded with coloured
plastic leg-bands on Canadian
and U.S. islands in eastern Lake Ontario. The bands also contain numbers
e.g. A10. Please note the colour of the band and of the alpha-numeric
codes, as well as date and location of sighting.
Please notify:
Dr. Chip Weseloh
Canadian Wildlife Service
4905 Dufferin St.
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4