In the early 1980s, New York was one of the first states to undertake
a Breeding Bird Atlas project, mapping the distribution of the more than
250 species of birds that breed in the state. Twenty years later, New
York began work on a second Atlas to determine how breeding distributions
had changed over the twenty years since the first one.
Between 2000 and 2005, more than 1,200 people submitted data for the Atlas 2000 project and spent about 155,000 hours in the field.
Participants ranged from novice backyard observers, to professional ornithologists,
to a small number of paid surveyors
who were assigned to areas that were difficult to access, especially
in the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains. We attained our goal of 100% coverage of more than 5,300 survey blocks
in the state. Volunteers visited each of the habitats represented in their
assigned blocks and recorded the behavior of the birds that they saw there,
reporting each species as a Possible, Probable, or Confirmed breeder. Many thanks to all the volunteers!
See the DEC
website for data, distribution maps, and more details on this project.
The Second Atlas Published
The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds of New York State, edited by Kevin McGowan and Kimberley Corwin, was published in 2008. The book contains extensive text, maps, and
tables. Also included are over 250
works by more than 15 artists specifically commissioned to illustrate the breeding
birds. Learn more about the new book!
The Atlas books show locations where each bird species
was found to breed and provides information on the many factors that affect bird
populations. Although bird species generally breed in particular areas
regularly and predictably, species distributions can change over time. Scientists believe atlases are important
because the changes they uncover can reveal
a great deal about the health of bird populations and the environment
in which they live. If a species occurs today
in fewer areas than it once did, steps can be taken to prevent further
The Atlas 2000 surveys revealed that 251 of the 467 species
recorded in the state, also bred in New York. The other 200 or so
species pass through on their way to other areas. Some only spend the
winter, while others turn up in the state now and
Certain trends were reported. Although the number
of breeding species stayed nearly the same, the project found that
several species were gained. Half of the species changed their distributions
significantly. Of those, more increased than
One significant species, however, is likely
to disappear. The Loggerhead Shrike, already rare during the first Atlas,
was no longer breeding in the state during the second Atlas, due to loss of agricultural lands,
collisions with vehicles and, perhaps, because of the accumulation
of pesticides from insects they eat.
The Brown Thrasher declined by 30 percent, showing reduced populations
in all sections of the state. The Whip-poor-will’s population decreased by almost 60 percent, possibly due to industrial
pollution, pesticide use and reduced availability
of their favored food source.
The surveys also noted the incredible expansion
of Merlin breeding. This small falcon has established populations both
in the wilds of the Adirondacks and in urban areas. These birds are very
noisy when nesting; the screams they make can
be heard a long distance away.
As in the past, the American Robin was found to be the most widespread
species in New York. New York’s’ ten most
common species have changed little in 20 years. However, some species,
such as the Wild Turkey, are now seen much
more often than in the past.
The second Atlas also addresses the issue of global
warming. Although a handful of species that breed south of New York
State have shown a significant northward shift, it is not clear yet whether
this is in response to climate change. The survey
notes that several other factors complicate the issue, including New York’s
varied geography and an increase in food
Atlas Exhibit
at New York State Museum
Mapping the Birds of New
York: the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State was on exhibit at the New York State Museum from October 3, 2008 through August 16, 2009.
The New York State Museum, located in Albany, is a program of the New York
State Education Department, the University of the State of New York,
and the Office of Cultural Education. Further information about programs
and events can be obtained by calling (518) 474-5877 or visiting the museum website.
The New York State Ornithological Association worked with the following
organizations on Atlas 2000:
— Valerie Freer, Chair, Atlas 2000 Steering Committee