Morning at Montezuma
On September 26th the NYSOA delegates met
at the Montezuma Audubon Center facilities for
the 2009 NYSOA Annual Meeting. Due this
year’s lack of a member club host, NYSOA organized
a single day for the annual event.
Nearly 100 participants enjoyed birding in the
environs of the Montezuma National Wildlife
Refuge, a buffet lunch, and an informative presentation
on shorebird identification. The day
culminated with delegates from member clubs
meeting to hear reports and conduct the official
business of NYSOA.
Field trip participants encountered a rain-free
morning of birding. However, water provided
the focus of the day. Montezuma National
Wildlife Refuge and its surroundings offered a
spectacular display of waterfowl. Many species
of shorebirds and raptors added spice and identification
challenges to the thousands of geese
and ducks taking advantage of the wetlands.
Guided by birders familiar with the area, field
trip participants were led to several productive
areas for a variety of species.
Shai Mitra explains how to identify shorebirds
Following a buffet lunch, attendees were
treated to a stimulating presentation by Dr. Shai
Mitra on the identification clues for shorebirds
and some of their subspecies. Shai’s talk was
enhanced by excellent photographs depicting
the characteristics under discussion. Shai concluded
his presentation with a few quiz slides
challenging the audience to use the identification
clues emphasized during the talk.
Prior to the delegates meeting, NYSOA Awards
Chair Andy Mason summarized the certificates
of appreciation presented during the previous
year to persons or groups who have accommodated
birds and birders in New York State . The John J. Elliott Award was presented for recognition
of an article in The Kingbird. A Lillian B.
Stoner Award was given to a Jenny Murtaugh, a student at SUNY Cobleskill.
Bill Reeves accepting the John J. Elliott Award
presented to him by Andy Mason
The highlight of awards this year was the presentation
of the Gordon M. Meade Distinguished Service
Award to Bill Reeves. This award is not given
every year. It is given to someone who has performed
exceptional service to NYSOA. Bill’s service
includes a long term presence on the NYSOA
Board of Directors and several years as our
Treasurer. The time commitment from Bill and his
dedication to the goals of NYSOA are worthy of
our admiration and lasting gratitude.
The delegates received reports from several NYSOA
committees and officers at the delegates
meeting. Official business included the election of
the Auditing Committee and Nominating Committee
members for 2010. The Auditing Committee
consists of Irving Cantor (chair), Peter Capainolo,
and Isaac Grant. The Nominating Committee will
be Berna Lincoln (chair), Tim Baird, and Jerry
The officers elected to one year terms for 2010
include: Carena Pooth, President; Gail Kirch, Vice
President; Andy Mason, Treasurer; Joan Collins,
Recording Secretary; and Jeanine Smith, Corresponding
Secretary. Directors elected are Bob
Adamo, Jeremy Kirchman and Bard Prentiss for
two year terms ending in 2011. Bob Spahn was
elected to complete an open director term for one
year, ending in 2010.
Andy Mason and Carena Pooth informed the delegates
that back issues of The Kingbird are currently
being scanned leading to a searchable,
electronic format of this large repository of information
about the birds of New York State.
Though not all issues are currently scanned,
members can try this searchable database at
Joan Collins checks 'em in
Thanks to Joan Collins for taking on the organizational
task of registration for the meeting and
to outgoing NYSOA President Bill Ostrander
and his wife, Joan, who worked hard to set up
the meeting and arrange for the meal.
For his two years of service as President of NYSOA,
Bill Ostrander deserves a large thank you
from all of us. Thanks to all of the officers, directors,
and committee members who volunteer
a great deal of time and effort to make NYSOA
the great organization that it is.
The Onondaga Audubon Society and the Montezuma
Audubon Center have stepped forward
and taken on the task of hosting next year’s
NYSOA Annual Meeting in the Syracuse area.
Details are still being worked out. Please watch
for information in future issues of New York
Birders and on the NYSOA website..
in New York Birders, October 2009
Photo Gallery - see more photos taken during
the NYSOA 2009 Annual Meeting |