![]() ![]() ![]() NYSARC
Annual Report - 1997 REPORT OF THE NEW YORK STATE AVIAN RECORDS COMMITTEE FOR 1997(First published in The Kingbird 2000 March; 50(1): 19-25) The Committee evaluated and made decisions on a total of 76 sightings of birds involving 106 reports. These included 72 reports from 1977, one from 1995 and three from 1994. One report from 1996 is included that was decided previously. Seven reports remain to be resolved . Sixteen reports were filed without review because they were sightings of species not on the list of those which should be reported to NYSARC. Reports and other correspondence for the Committee should be sent to the Secretary of the NYSARC, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 1997 ACCEPTED REPORTSYellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii).1997-71-A-G: one in Oswego Harbor and Oswego River, City of Oswego, Town of Oswego, Oswego Co., 21-30 December (SDB,WTG,MAK,DWC,GH,BP,JM,TC). Photos on file. This is the second record for the state. Audubon's Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri).1997-43-A: two at Hudson Canyon, Atlantic Ocean, 14 September (PL). American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). 1997-27-A-B: one at north end of Strawberry Island, Niagara River, Town of Tonawanda, Erie Co., 24 May, 5 June (WW); 1997-35-A: one near Long and Wantry Islands,western part of Oneida Lake, Oswego Co., 6 June, 1,2,8 July (CA). Photos on file. Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). 1997-53-A-B: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Lake Ontario, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 5.7 November (BME,ML); 199754-A-B: one at Oswego Harbor, Town of Oswego, Oswego Co., 13,17 November (GP,Bpur). Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor). 1997-30-A-B: one at Pond's Pond, Town of Mexico, Oswego Co., 26 May (Bpur, JT). Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus).1997-12-A: one at Lake Shore Marshes Wildlife Management Area, Town of Wolcott, Wayne Co., 28 March (GW); 1997-15-A: one along Route 6 one mile south of Bear Mountain Bridge, Town of Cortlandt, Westchester.Co., 3 April (DMN); 1997-31-A: two adults and two young at nest, Bonticou Crag, Mohonk Preserve, Town of New Paltz, Ulster Co., 27 April to 10 August (JTB). This is the first breeding record for the state. Photos on file. See The Kingbird Vol.48(4): 289-300, December 1998. Ross's Goose (Chen rossii). 1997-3-A: one at Braddock Bay, Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 15 January (BM); 1997-13-A: one white morph at Fort Miller, Hudson River, Town of Fort Edward, Washington Co., 30 March (BP); 1997-14-A: one blue morph below Lock Dam, Fort Miller, Hudson River, Town of Fort Edward, Washington Co., 30 March (WGE); 1997-45-A: one at Howland Island Wildlife Management Area, Town of Conquest, Cayuga Co., 9 March (SA). Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). 1997-10-A: one at Snowshoe Road, Stony Point (Henderson Harbor), Town of Henderson, Jefferson Co., 16 March (NL). Photos on file. Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). 1997-17-A: one at pond north of Lake Ontario State Parkway, 0.5 mile east of Route 98, Town of Carlton, Orleans Co., 27 April (WW) American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana). 1997-38-A: one at Stewart Park, Ithaca, Tompkins Co., 24 July (JL);1997-42-A: one on Lake Erie beach near Bay View, Town of Hamburg, Erie Co., 27 August (WW); 1997-61-A-B: one at Woodlawn Beach State Park, Town of Hamburg, Erie Co., 1 November (MAZ,RWB). Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa). 1997-40-A-B: one at Sylvan Beach, Oneida Lake,Town of Vienna, Oneida Co., 19,21 August (DWC, DJC). Photos on file. Little Gull (Larus minutus). 1997-72-A: one at Raquette Pond, Tupper Lake, Town of Altamont, Franklin Co., 9 July (TD). California Gull (Larus californicus). 1997-6.-A-B: one in field off Wakeman Road and on landfill,Town of Perinton, Monroe Co., 2,15 February (DS,KCG); 1997-55-A: one on mowed grass area in Reservoir State Park, Town of Lewiston, Niagara Co., 20 September (WD); 1997-56-A: one at Niagara River off Robert Moses Power Plant, Town of Lewiston, Niagara Co., 23,27 November(WD); 1997-57-A: one at Niagara River off Robert Moses Power Plant, Town of Lewiston, Niagara Co., 14 December (WD); 1997-66-A: one at Lake Ontario, Durand Eastman Park, Rochester, Monroe Co., 12 December (BM). Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri). 1997-5-A-C: one in field off Route 31F, on a landfill and in field east of Fairport, Town of Perinton, Monroe Coo, 1,15 February, 10 March (DS, MT, KCG, RGM). White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus).1997-39-A-B: one at Salmon Creek, Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 29 July (SS,CAS). This is the fifth record for the state. Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula). 1997-7-A: one at Daly Road, Town of Brasher, St. Lawrence Co., 8 February (DD). Hummingbird (Selasphorus species). 1997-46-A4 one in backyard Center Moriches, Long Island, Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co., 26 September (JDK). Lewis's Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis). 1997-36-A: one at feeder in Richfield Springs, Town of Richfield, Otsego Co., 20 June (DJCe). Photos on file. This is the second record for the state. It had been reported coming to this feeder for a week to ten days prior to this sighting. 1997-59-A-E: one at feeder on Route 8, Brant Lake, Town of Horicon, Warren Co., 17-29 November (LJH,RB,DJC, JMCP,GL). Photos on file. This is the third record for the state. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus). 1997-28-A: one on Route 20, Town of Darien, Genesee Co., 22 May (WD). Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides).1997-9-A-D: one on State Park Road just east of Long Point State Park, Point Peninsula, Town of Lyme, Jefferson Co., 18-22 February (DWP,BPur,DWC,MAK). Photos on file. Townsend's Warbler (Dendroica townsendi). 1997-60-A: one at Montauk Point Lighthouse, Town of East Hampton, Long Island, Suffolk Co., 30 November (JeK). Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica dominica). 1997-33-A: one at Edgemere Drive, Rochester, Monroe Co., (JBB). Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra). 1997-25-A: one at feeder in yard above Irondequoit Bay, Rochester, Monroe Co., 16-17 May (RGS). Bird was reported at feeder daily from 12 May. Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana). 1997-41-A: one 1.5 miles south of intersection ofRoutes 20 and 11, Town of Lafayette, Onondaga Co., 22 August (EW). Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus). 1997-44-A-C: one at Vassar College Community Gardens, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., 18 October (MCK,SD,BM). Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii). 1997-26-A: one at Nine Mile Point, Town of Scriba, Oswego Co., 12 May (Bpur) . This is the tenth record for the state. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni).1997-48-A: one at Nations Road south of Roots Tavern Road, Town of Geneseo, Livingston Co., 28 September (JiK); 1997-49-A-B: one and two at Hogan Point, Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 4-5 October (KF, KCG). Hoary Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni). 1997-51-A-B: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 1 November (RGS, KCG). 1997 ACCEPTED REPORT, ORIGIN UNCERTAINBarnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis). 1997-21-A: one at Lake Flower, Saranac Lake, Franklin Co., 8 May (TD). Photos on file. 1996 ACCEPTED REPORTWestern Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana).1996-25-A-B: one at Nine Mile Point, Towns of Scriba and New Haven, Oswego Co., 4-5 May (SA, MAK). 1995 ACCEPTED REPORTSandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). 1995-2-B: one about 0.5 mile southeast of intersection of Atlantic Ocean Road and Bridge Lane, Town of Southampton, Suffolk Co., 2 January (ES). Report 1995-2-A was determined to be not acceptable. 1994 ACCEPTED REPORTCrane species. 1994-58-A: one at Buttonwood Creek and the Lake Ontario State Parkway, Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 10 December (KCG). 1997 REPORTS NOT ACCEPTEDNorthern Gannet (Morus bassanus). 1997-68-A: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Lake Ontario, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co,, 23 November. Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula). 1997-1-A: one on Lake Ontario, Town of Parma, Monroe Co., 3 January. Common Eider (Somateria mollissima). 1997-65-A: 11 in six sightings at Hamlin Beach State Park, Lake Ontario, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 7-24 November. King Rail (Rallus elegans). 1997-34-A: one along Parma-Hamlin Townline Road, Towns of Parma and Hamlin , Monroe Co., 6 June. Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). 1997-32-A: two at George A.Taylor Marsh, Town of Richmond, Ontario Co., 31 May. Wilsons Plover (Charadrius wilsonia).1997-24-A: one at Pike's Inlet, Westhampton Dunes, Moriches Bay, Long Island, Town of Southhampton, Suffolk Co., early May. Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus). 1997-22- A: one in wetlands east of West Sweden Road ca. one mile north of Torpey Hill Road, Town of Sweden, Monroe Co., 9 May. Mew Gull (Larus canus).1997-4-A: one at Charlotte Harbor, Genesee River, Rochester, Monroe Co., 28 January; 1997-62-A-C: one at Point Lookout, Jones Inlet, Long Island, Town of Hempstead, Nassau Co., 23 November to 2 December. Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri).1997-8-A: one at Perinton Landfill, Town of Perinton, Monroe Co.18 February; 1997-47-A: one at Ausable Point, Town of Peru, Clinton Co., 28 September; 1997-67-A: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Lake Ontario, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 19 November. Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea).1997-69-A: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Lake Ontario, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 9,20 November. Murrelet species. 1997-70-A: one at Hamlin Beach State Park, Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 15 November. Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii).1997-23-A: one at Island Cottage Woods, Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 7 May. Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grarnmacus). 1997-37-A: one in Town of Lima, Livingston Co., 11 July Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca caerulea). 1997-29-A: one at Salmon Creek Road, Town of Lansing, Tompkins Co. , 26 May Brewer's Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus). 1997-11-A: one four miles southwest of Mecklenburg, Town of Hector, Schuyler Co., 19 March; 1997-20-A: one in yard, Rochester, Monroe Co., 6 May Hoary Redpoll (Carduelis homemanni).1997-63-A: one about 0.5 mile south of intersection of Jewel and Kobor Roads, Town of Northumberland,, Saratoga Co., 20 December. 1994 REPORTS NOT ACCEPTEDNorthern Gannet (Morus bassanus). 1994-57-A: one at south end of Saratoga Lake, Saratoga Co., 3 December Common Eider (Somateria mollissima).1994-59-A: one at Lake Ontario off Forest Lawn area, Town of Webster, Monroe Co., 19 December. ADDITIONS TO THE NEW YORK STATE LIST This report contains no additions to the New York State list, which now totals 454 species. OBSERVERS SUBMITTING REPORTS IN THIS SUMMATION: CORRIGENDA: In The Kingbird Vol. 49(2), June 1999, the following corrections should be made to the NYSARC report: p. 114 Black-capped Petrel (1996-59-A-B) should read "one found alive but died a few days later" p. 117 Great Gray Owl (1996-8-A) observer initials should be (DJC). New York State Avian Records Committee Compiling This Report: Kenneth P. Able |