![]() ![]() ![]() NYSARC
Annual Report - 1994 REPORT OF THE NEW YORK STATE AVIAN RECORDS COMMITTEE 1994This report was first published in The Kingbird 46: 296-302; (1996) The Committee evaluated and made decisions on a total of 58 records of birds involving 85 reports. Included are 69 reports from 1994, 13 from 1993 and single reports from 1954. 1969 and 1989. Twenty-one reports remain to be resolved. Any observer who wishes to know the disposition of his or her report by the NYSARC as soon as possible after a decision is made may request this from the Committee. Such requests, reports and any other correspondence for the Committee should be sent to the Secretary: Jim Lowe, Secretary, 1994 ACCEPTED REPORTSAmerican White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). 1994-27-A-D: one flying toward the Hudson River over Ferncliff Forest Preserve. Mount Rutsen Road. Town of Rhinebeck. Dutchess Co., 11 May (RC). Probably the same individual was reported the same day at the mouth of Rondout Creek. City of Kingston. Ulster Co., (RP,TB) and at Tivoli South Bay, Town of Red Hook. Dutchess Co., 12 May (CN,GB). Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor). 1994-20-A,B: one adult at North Bay, Tivoli Bays. Town of Red Hook. Dutchess Co., 14. 17 April (MD,AB). 1994-23-A: one adult at Tifft Nature Preserve, Buffalo, Erie Co., 8-12 May (WD). Ross' Goose (Chen rossii). 1994-8-A-C: one off McGraw Road. one mile north of Chittenango, Town of Sullivan. Madison Co., 28. 29 March (SA.JT.DC). Photograph on file. This is the eighth record for the state. Common Eider (Somateria mollissima). 1994-38-A-C: one female at Batavia Sewage Treatment Plant ponds. Batavia. Genesee Co., 2, 8, 16 October (DS, WD, RS). Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis). 1994-28-A: one adult at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens Co., 14 May (RK). This is the ninth record for the state. Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). 1994-15-A: one adult off Chase Road. Town of Hamlin, Monroe Co., 12 March. This report later reconsidered and acceptance overturned - see NYSARC Annual Report 2013. Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). 1994-51-A.B: one adult at Buffalo, Erie Co., 24 December (RA, WD). Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). 1994-16-A: six over Dewey-Latta Park, Town of Greece. Monroe Co., 30 March (RM). 1994-41-A: two at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. Town of Tyre. Seneca Co., 28 October (GW). 1994-53-A: one near Sagg Pond. Town of Southampton. Long Island. Suffolk Co., 31 December to first week of April 1995 (ES). Photograph on file. Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa). 1994-34-A.B: one on shore of Lake Champlain between mouths of Great Chazy and Little Chazy Rivers. Town of Champlain. Clinton Co., 4 August (CM. AW). Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis). 1994-33-A-C: one at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens Co., 8. 30 July (JF, JQ, RK). The possibility of these being two different birds on these widely separated dates remains, as the descriptions in the reports do not appear to contain any information that would indicate they were either the same individual or two different ones. This is the third (and fourth?) record for the state. Ross' Gull (Rhodostethia rosea). 1994-7-A: one adult at Jones Inlet, Point Lookout, Long Island, Suffolk Co.,17, 20 March (ML, LF, AW). Photographs on file. This is the second record for the state. Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea). 1994-1-A-E: one immature at Sodus Point, Town of Sodus, Wayne Co., 2, 3 January (D & DT, RSp, WG, DL). Photograph on file. White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus). 1994-22-A: one adult at Stone Mills Pond, Perch River Wildlife Management Area, Town of Orleans, Jefferson Co., 10 May (RW). This is the fourth record for the state. Common Murre (Uria aalge). 1994-3-A: one at Point Lookout Inlet. Long Island. Nassau Co., 5 February (HB). Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus). 1994-42-A-C: one at Summerville pier at the mouth of the Genesee River. Lake Ontario. Rochester. Monroe Co., 31 October to 4 November (RM.AC,.RSp). This western North American species was seen by many observers. It has previously been sighted in several midwestern and northeastern states and this is the first New York record. Photographs on file. Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). 1994-46-A-D: one adult male at feeder at 80 Main Street. Cambridge. Washington Co., 11. 12. 20 November and 3 December (BP.DC.SA.RY). This bird was first reported in October. It was captured and banded on 3 December, then released in a sunroom at Saugerties where it died on 9 December. This is the second New York record. Photographs on file. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus). 1994-30-A.B: one at Nine Mile Point Road. 0.3 mile south of Lake Road. Town of New Haven. Oswego Co., 28 May (MK.NWr). Photograph on file. This is the third upstate New York record. Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana). 1994-43-A: one on Fire Island. 0.3 mile west of Fire Island lighthouse. Long Island. Suffolk Co., 3 November (ML). This is the fifth record for the state. Townsend's Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi). 1994-48-A: one at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Queens Co., 20 February (CJ). This is the fifth record for New York. Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica dominica). 1994-32-A: two at Arnot Forest. Town of Cayuta. Schuyler Co., 14 June (JG.SG). 1994-50-A: one on Sapsucker Woods Road. Ithaca. Tompkins Co., 8 December (KM). Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum). 1994-55-A: one at Massawepie Bog, Town of Piercefield. St. Lawrence Co., 25 June (JH). Audiotape on file. Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii). 1994-21-A: one at Braddock Bay Park. Town of Greece. Monroe Co., 3 May (KG). Harris' Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula). 1994-40-A: one at Baker Hill. Hurleyville. Town of Fallsburg. Sullivan Co., 26-30 October (KC). 1994-52-A: one at Basher Kill access site. Westbrookville. Town of Mamakatin. Sullivan Co., 28 December (DN). Brewer's Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus). 1994-19-A: one at Church Road. Town of Hamlin. Monroe Co., I I April (RM). Hoary Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni). 1994-4-A.B: one at Gardner Road, Town of Pompey. Onondaga Co., 11. 137 21. 23 January (DC.EB). Photographs on file. 1994-5-A: one at Game Farm Road. Quaker Hill. Town of Pawling. Dutchess Co., I February (SGi). 1994-6-A: one at Kestrel Haven Farm. four miles southwest of Mecklenburg. Town of Hector. Schuyler Co., (JG.SG). 1994-10-A: one at Virgil. Town of Virgil. Cortland Co., 18 January (EB). 1994-1 1 -A: one at Gates Road. Town of Pompey. Onondaga Co., 19 March (DC). 1994-18-A: one at Oneonta. Town of Oneonta, Otsego Co., 10-12 April (MDo). 1994 REPORT, IDENTITY ACCEPTED, ORIGIN UNCERTAINTrumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator). 1994-12-A: one at pond near Russell Power Plant. Town of Greece. Monroe Co., 12 February. still present 12 March (RSp). Photographs on file. Attempts are being made to introduce this species in the Northeast and it is breeding successfully in Ontario. 1994 REPORTS NOT ACCEPTEDYellow-nosed Albatross (Diomedea chlororhynchos). 1994-24-A.B: one at Crown Point peninsula. two miles southeast of Port Henry, Town of Moriah, Essex Co., 8 May. This bird was seen over the walls of the fort as it flew westward across the tip of the peninsula. The NYSARC agrees that it was an albatross of the genus Diomedea but cannot assign it to a species. On 29 May 1960. D. chlororhynchos was photographed off Jones Beach, Long Island (Bull J. 1974. Birds of New York State. p. 56). Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). 1994-13-A: one over Whiting Road. Town of Webster. Monroe Co., 12 February. 1994-14-A: one at Derby Hill Bird Observatory, Town of Mexico. Oswego Co., 16 February. Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri). 1994-9-A: one at Irondequoit Bay outlet. Town of Irondequoit, Monroe Co., 8 January. Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata). 1994-35-A: one at Mecox Inlet. Town of Southampton,. Long Island. Suffolk Co.,. 23 August. Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens). 1994-39-A: one at Jones Beach State Park. Nassau Co., 23 October. 1994-45-A: one at Robert Moses State Park,. Fire Island. Long Island. Suffolk Co., 8 November. Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). 1994-37-A: one in Oswego Co., late September. Hoary Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni). 1994-2-A: one at Henderson. Town of Henderson. Jefferson Co., 4-10 January. 1993 ACCEPTED REPORTSSwainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). 1993-74-A-C: one adult at Creamery Road. three miles west of Westfield. Town of Westfield. Chautauqua Co., 2 Mav (LD.JL.JS). Videotape on file. Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii). 1993-73-A: one at State University College at Oswego,. Oswego Co., 28 April (CF). 1993 REPORTS NOT ACCEPTEDArctic (Pacific) Loon (Gavia pacifica). 1993-35-A: one at Irondequoit Bay outlet. Town of Irondequoit. Monroe Co. 2 January. Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). 1993-2-A: off Indian Brook Road. one mile west of Taconic Nature Center. Garrison. Town of Philipstown. Putnam Co., 2 January. 1993-9-A: one off Lighthouse Road. Stony Point, Town of Henderson. Jefferson Co., 26 February. Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis). 1993-17-A: three over New York Route 3 between New York Route 178 and Smith Road. Town of Henderson. Jefferson Co., 5 April. The NYSARC accepted this only as Crane sp. 1993-50-A: one over Braddock Bay Park. Town of Greece, Monroe Co., 9 August. 1993-54-A.B: one off Route 79 near Windsor. Town of Windsor. Broome Co., 13 September. Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). 1993-57-A: one on route 32, Saugerties. Town of Saugerties. Ulster Co., 22 September and for over two weeks subsequently. The NYSARC accepted this as Selasphorus sp. 1993-66-A: one at Floral park. Queens Co., 22 November to I December. The NYSARC accepted this as Selasphorus sp. See previous reports in The Kingbird 31: 2101. 1981-.40: 210-211. 1990. 1989 REPORT NOT ACCEPTEDArctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). 1989-17-A: one at Jones Beach State Park, Town of Hempstead, Long Island. Nassau Co., 25 May. 1969 ACCEPTED REPORTBlack Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis). 1969-1-A: one at Dryden Lake. 1.6 miles southeast of Dryden. Town of Dryden. Tompkins Co., 6 October (RH). 1954 ACCEPTED REPORTLewis' Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis). 1954-2-B: one at Kitchawan. Town of Yorktown. Westchester Co., 4 or 5 November (RO). A prior report of this bird was not acceptable to NYSARC (Kingbird 34:216. 1984). This is the first record of this western species for New York. Bull (Birds of the New York Area 1964) previously had accepted it and then later (Birds of New York State, 1974) relegated the species to the hypothetical category. He gave dates of occurrence at this locality as 27 October to 6 November. ADDITIONS TO NEW YORK STATE LISTThis report contains two additions to the New York State list. Ancient Murrelet and Lewis' Woodpecker. The list now totals 452 species. This total includes the new species which resulted from the recent taxonomic changes by the American Ornithologists' Union. See The Kingbird 46: 102. 1996. New York State Avian Records Committee OBSERVERS SUBMIT1NG REPORTS CITED IN THIS REPORT: Sue Adair, Robert F. Andrle, Matt Bayer, Gabe Benoit, Howard L. Boltson, Alfred T. Brayton, Edward S. Brinkley, Tom Bruck, Ted Buhl, Lee B. Chamberlaine, Anne Clarridge, Kris Conklin, Rosa Corbeels, Dorothy W. Crumb, Jerry Czech, Willie D'Anna, Mark Dedea, Leonard DeFrancisco, Mary Dobinsky, Frank Dobson, Mary C. Dreiling, Brett M. Ewald, Lester Feldman, Craig Fosdick, John J. Fritz, Robert Frost, Sibyll Gilbert, John Gregoire, Sue Gregoire, Kevin C. Griffith, William T. Gruenbaum, Jay Hand, Arnette Heidcamp, Ronald A. Howard, Jr., Carl Jaslowitz, Mary Alice Koeneke, William E. Krueger, Robert J. Kurtz, Tony Lauro, Manny Levine, Don Lown, John Luensman, Robert Marcotte, Kevin J. McGowan, Charles W. Mitchell, Chuck Nieder, Daniel K. Niven,. Ralph Odell, John M. C.Peterson, Marie Patuh, Richard Popp, Barbara Putnam, Joan Quinlan, Eric Salzman, James F. Schwartz, Joseph R. Sedlacek, Dominic Sherony, Robert G. Spahn, Dean T. Spaulding, Rex G. Stanford, Brian Sullivan, Jim Throckmorton, Don Traver, Donna Traver, Glenn Wolford, Alvin Wollin, Robert Worona, Robert P. Yunick. |