New York State Avian Records Committee

a committee of the New York State Ornithological Association

Annual Report - 1977                                                       The Kingbird, Spring 1978

Procedures for Submitting Reports
To NYSARC and “Want” List

At the 1977 Annual Meeting of the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs, the delegates authorized the establishment of a New York State Avian Records Committee (NYSARC) to review ornithological reports of exceptional interest made in the state. Members of NYSARC were appointed by the President in December 1977. Its present membership, with terms of service are: Robert F. Andrle (5 years), Robert W. Smart (4 years), Kenneth P. Able (3 years), Thomas H. Davis (2 years), Paul DeBenedictis (1 year). At its meeting of 12 Feb. 1978, NYSARC elected Paul DeBenedictis as Chairman and Robert Andrle as Vice-Chairman. Charles R. Smith, of the Laboratory of Ornithology, has been appointed Secretary of NYSARC.

NYSARC has established procedures for submitting reports. A standard reporting form (pg.76) is available from member clubs and from members of NYSARC. The Committee emphasizes that many species can not be documented adequately within the space allotted on one side of this form. Therefore, observers are urged to attach as many additional 8½ x11 inch pages as needed to provide complete documentation. Spacing on the standard form correctly indicates the relative importance the Committee attaches to the information requested. In particular, copies of original field notes are valuable supplements to the standard form. Use of the standard form is not mandatory. Any other form or format (but preferably 8½ x 11) that conveys the information requested on the standard form will be acceptable to NYSARC. Photographs, if available, should be submitted with reports. If other evidence, such as specimens or tape recordings, exists, please indicate where these materials may be examined. Reports submitted to NYSARC become the property of the Federation. Reports will be permanently deposited and made available to qualified investigators at the Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y. Other substantiating evidence submitted with reports will be deposited in appropriate Cornell University collections, unless specifically requested otherwise. Records that are accepted by NYSARC will be published at varying intervals in The Kingbird.

Reports should be submitted to:

The New York State Avian Records Committee
c/o Charles R. Smith
The Laboratory of Ornithology
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853

NYSARC will review reports of observations made after 1 Jan. 1978 of:
1) any species new to New York State
2) any addition to the list of species proven to nest within New York State
3) the following species and identifiable forms from any locality within New York State: Yellow-billed Loon; Arctic Loon; Western Grebe; Yellow-nosed Albatross; Audubon’s Shearwater; Black-capped Petrel; Scaled Petrel; South Trinidad Petrel; Leach’s Storm-Petrel; Red-billed Tropicbird; White-tailed Tropicbird; White Pelican; Brown Pelican; Brown Booby; Magnificent Frigatebird; Wood Stork; White-faced Ibis; White Ibis; American Flamingo; Trumpeter Swan; “Black” Brant; Barnacle Goose; White-fronted Goose; Fulvous Whistling-Duck; Cinnamon Teal; Smew; Black Vulture; Swallow-tailed Kite; Swainson’s Hawk; Caracara; Gyrfalcon; Sandhill Crane; Yellow Rail; Corncrake; Lapwing; Wilson’s Plover; Long-billed Curlew; Eurasian Curlew; Whimbrel (white-rumped race only); Eskimo Curlew; Bar-tailed Godwit; Greenshank; Wood Sandpiper; “Great” Skua; “South Polar” Skua; Long-tailed Jaeger; Ivory Gull; Thayer’s Gull; Mew Gull; Sabine’s Gull; Arctic Tern; Sooty Tern; Bridled Tern; Sandwich Tern; Common Murre; Common Puffin; White-winged Dove; Ground Dove; Hawk-Owl; Burring Owl; Great Gray Owl; Boreal Owl; Lewis’ Woodpecker; Gray Kingbird; Scissor-tailed Flycatcher; Flycatcher; Ash-throated Flycatcher; Say’s Phoebe; Black-billed Magpie; Brown-headed Nuthatch; Bewick’s Wren; Sage Thrasher; Fieldfare; Redwing; Mountain Bluebird; Townsend’s Solitaire; Wheatear; Bell’s Vireo; Swainson’s Warbler; “Audubon’s” Warbler; Black-throated Gray Warbler; Townsend’s Warbler; Bullock’s Oriole; Brewer’s Blackbird; Boat-tailed Grackle; Western Tanager; Black-headed Grosbeak; Painted Bunting; Brambling; Hoary Redpoll; “Spotted” Towhee; Green-tailed Towhee; Lark Bunting; LeConte’s Sparrow; Baird’s Sparrow; Bachman’s Sparrow; Brewer’s Sparrow; Harris’ Sparrow; Golden-crowned Sparrow; Smith’s Longspur; Chestnut-sided Longspur.

4) the following species at localities away from downstate New York ( Long Island and offshore waters, the New York City area; and established nesting areas on the lower Hudson River): any species of albatross, shearwater, petrel or storm-petrel; Gannet; Great Cormorant; Louisiana Heron; Yellow-crowned Night Heron; Tufted Duck; Common Eider; Black Rail; Purple Gallinule; American Oystercatcher; American Avocet; Piping Plover; Marbled Godwit; Curlew Sandpiper; Gull-billed Tern; Roseate Tern; Royal Tern; Black Skimmer; any alcid; Chuck-will’s-widow; Western Kingbird; Yellow-throated Warbler; Blue Grosbeak; “Ipswich” Sparrow; Sharp-tailed Sparrow; and Lark Sparrow.

5) the following species at locations away from the Adirondacks: Spruce Grouse; Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker; Northern Three-toed Woodpecker; Gray Jay.

The Committee will also review reports which represent significant deviations from established patterns of seasonal occurrence within New York State. Because such records are difficult to summarize concisely, observers should consult Bull (1974, 1976). Submitted reports not meeting these criteria will be filed without action, or returned to the observer.

The Committee has been requested to clarify boundaries within which New York State records are made. We follow national and state boundaries inland and on the Great Lakes, and extend present legal marine boundaries outward to the 2000 fathom line (approximately100 miles off shore). The south (west) boundary extends from the Ambrose Lightship along the Separation Zone of the Ambrose Hudson Canyon Traffic Lane to the 1000 Fathom line; the north (east) boundary extends at an angle of 150° (from true north) from a point midway between the east end of Fisher’s Island and Watch Hill, R.I., to the 100 fathom line (Reference: Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 1108; Approaches to New York). The Hudson Sea Canyon (proper) lies just within the south boundary and Block Canyon is within the north boundary; Cox’s Ledge is in Rhode Island waters.


REPORT NO.____________________________                                        STATUS_______________________
For use of NYSARC


This form specifies the most important information that should accompany a report; however, any other form or format that contains this information will be acceptable to NYSARC. Observers are urged to use the reverse of this form or additional pages, but include only one report with this from. Obtain as complete a description as possible during the observation and before consulting a field guide; copies of original notes are welcomed.

NAME OF BIRD___________________________________DATE___________________________________
Locality (give county):

Time and length of observation:

Light conditions, distance from bird, and optics used:
Description of bird
a) Number, size and shape:

b) Color and pattern, including soft parts:

c) Behavior, including vocalizations:

d) Habitat, including associated species:

Additional comments, including comparisons with other species and observer’s experience:

Does any other substantial evidence document this report?________ If yes, what is it and where is it deposited?

Address of person submitting this report:

Return completed report to: The New York State Avian Records Committee, c/o Charles R. Smith, Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853.

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