Gyrfalcon - 25 December
1995 at Centerport,
Suffolk County
This immature Gyrfalcon (Falco
rusticolus) was discovered by Dan
Brady on 24 December 1995 at the Mill pond near Centerport,
Suffolk County on the northshore of Long Island, New York.
Whilst collecting his morning paper, Dan's attention was drawn
to a raptor, which he quickly identified as a Gyrfalcon, being
aggressively scolded by the local American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos).
The bird was perched on the top of a large evergreen on the opposite
side of the frozen pond and had apparently killed a male Mallard
(Anas platyrhynchos), which lay on the ice some 30-50 feet
from the roadway (see Fig. 5). Other than a
brief sighting later that day over Centerport Beach, the bird was
not relocated. At dawn the next moring the bird had returned to
the Mill pond and was seen by a number of local birders including
Angus Wilson who obtained these photos. It made several hunting
forays, none of which were successful. Around 8:30 am, it flew
across the pond where it was welcomed by an angry group of crows,
disappeared into some confers and was never seen again.

Figure 1 Gyrfalcon
(Falco rusticolus) standing on the frozen Mill Pond in Centerport,
Long Island. Notice the heavily-feathered (shaggy) legs. The chalky
blue-green cere, feet and lower tarsi identify this as an immature.
Photograph copyright of Angus Wilson © 2000

Figure 2 Photographed
just after dawn on a dead tree overlooking the frozen pond. Notice
the deep-bodied look and relatively short wings. Photograph copyright
of Angus Wilson © 2000

Figure 3 Wings
raised in preparation for launching after a male Canvasback (Anas
valisineria) that was circling the pond. In a dramatic pursuit,
the falcon managed to strike the unfortunate duck with an outstretched
foot. The duck bounced alarmingly off the ice and was attacked
again by the falcon as it floundered on the slippery ice, unable
to get sufficient purchase to regain flight. Although the falcon
attacked repeatedly, it did not take hold of the duck or land,
eventually giving up and returning to a perch. Photograph copyright
of Angus Wilson © 2000

Figure 4 Better
light showing details of barring on the wing coverts and the broad
vertical streaks on breast. Whilst in this tree, the falcon was
heavily mobbed by some rather brave European Starlings (Sturnus
vulgaris)! Photograph copyright of Angus Wilson© 2000

Figure 5 Two
American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) picking at the carcass
of a Mallard killed and partially eaten by the falcon on the previous
Photograph copyright of Angus Wilson © 2000
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