New York State Ornithological Association, Inc.
Annual Meeting The 59th Annual Meeting of the New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. (NYSOA), hosted by Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society, was called to order at 9:10 a.m. Roll call of member clubs revealed there were 40 delegates from 26 clubs, and a quorum was present. Valerie Freer made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2005 Annual Meeting and Jane Graves seconded. Motion passed unanimously Reports and
Elections: The Treasurer’s Report dated December 31, 2005, was issued and Bill Reeves discussed the various funds and our income and expenses. Our major source of income is membership dues, and our major expense is for our publications. The Auditing Committee Report was presented and clearly states that our statements fairly present our financial condition. Valerie Freer reported that the Atlas is proceeding on schedule, with publication in Spring 2008. The database has been corrected and finalized. Maps are updated and final. Effort data is now complete for both atlases. The book will be approximately 600 pages. Original artwork will be exhibited at the State Museum at the time of publication. Shai Mitra, editor of The Kingbird, is working on correcting the publication backlog. With the most recent NYSARC report, a new Checklist of the Birds of New York State is in the works. Tim Baird, editor of our newsletter, New York Birders, is looking for contributions and suggestions. Member clubs should be sending their newsletters to Tim. Carena Pooth reported that the most heavily used section of our website is the NYSARC section. Carena has uploaded the minutes of past Board meetings as well as the checklist changes needed to comply with NYSARC and the American Ornithologists’ Union changes. Carena also thanked photographers who have submitted their pictures for use on our site. Gail Kirch reported that letters were written to NYSDEC regarding the Bob Marshall area and low elevation boreal forest areas in the Adirondacks, the Wakely Mountain fire tower and helipad and Sawyer Mountain summit, and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the 15-year plan for Shawangunk NWR. NYSOA has developed a draft position on wind power, and it was recommended that a committee be set up for input on this issue. John Confer agreed to serve and others will be contacted. John Ozard reported the DEC staff person who is working full time on wind power, birds, and bats is Brianna Gary. NYSARC held an annual meeting in September 2005 and Shai Mitra feels face-to-face meetings are valuable. NYSARC has finished its review of 2004 submissions and is ahead of schedule. Jeff Bolsinger is the newest member. Changes to NYSARC operating guidelines are in process. The Board has approved investigating putting NYSARC records into electronic form, but because these records are not open to the public, we are looking more at preservation than archiving. Bill Ostrander reports that the Lillian C. Stoner award will be given to three students this year. There were no club grants given this year. Certificates of Appreciation were given during the year to:
New York eBird, a joint project between NYSOA, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and Audubon New York, is up and running. We hope birders across the state will enter their sightings so that we may use the data for regional reports for The Kingbird. Lab personnel are setting up the geographical layer for Kingbird Regions. Proposed by-laws changes were presented to the delegates:
Nancy Kern made a motion to approve the by-laws change to Article IV as proposed. Barbara Butler seconded. Approved unanimously. Bob Mauceli made a motion to approve the by-laws change to Article XI as proposed. Gail Kirch seconded. Approved unanimously. Bob Mauceli presented the report from the Nominating Committee. Nominated for 2006/07 officers are President – Andrew Mason; Vice President – William Ostrander; Corresponding Secretary – Timothy H. Baird; Recording Secretary – Brenda Best; and Treasurer – William B. Reeves. Nominated for two-year terms as Directors for the 2008 class are Kathryn Schneider, Jane Graves, and Carena Pooth. There were no nominations from the floor. Dorothy Crumb made a motion that the secretary cast one vote for the entire slate as read, and Nancy Kern seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Phyllis Jones collects our documentation; indexing and organizing at Cornell continues. Phyllis received lots of papers on the Stoner Award dating from 1977 to 2002. Our next Annual Meeting will be held in Batavia, is scheduled for the first weekend in October 2007, and will be hosted by the Buffalo Ornithological Society. More information is forthcoming. In 2008, the Rochester Birding Association will be our host and the meeting is planned for September 19-21 at the airport Marriott. No host has come forward yet for 2009. There were no resolutions presented. The Nominating Committee for 2007 consisting of Bill Lee, Gail Kirch, and Tim Baird was elected unanimously after a motion by Valerie Freer, seconded by Bob Mauceli. With a motion by Berna Lincoln seconded by Chita McKinney, the Auditing Committee for 2007 consisting of Irving Cantor, Peter Capainolo, and Emanuel Levine was elected unanimously. John Ozard, the NYSDEC representative, presented a handout showing the status of projects they are working on:
Old Business New Business Motion to adjourn was made by Gail Kirch, seconded by Gail Seamans, and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:32 a.m. Awards presented during the Saturday evening banquet: