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Federation of New York State Bird Clubs, Inc.

56th Annual Meeting
Chautauqua, NY
November 1, 2003

Brenda Best

The 56th Annual Meeting of the Federation, hosted by Lake Erie Bird Club, Jamestown Audubon Society, and Roger Tory Peterson Ornithological Club, was called to order at 9:25 a.m. Roll call of member clubs revealed there were 68 delegates and proxies from 32 clubs, and a quorum was present. Dorothy Crumb made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2002 Annual Meeting and Ellie Long seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

President's Report by Tim Baird

There are 51 member clubs and 740 individual members of the Federation. Our superb web site now has its own domain name. The Breeding Bird Atlas has completed its fourth field season. Our publications are strong, and New York Birders has a new editor. A new edition of the official checklist now stands at 460 species. Dominic Sherony has been appointed to the New York State Avian Records Committee (NYSARC), and Angus Wilson has been re-appointed. Bryan Swift with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has been an active participant at Board of Directors meetings. Andy Mason and John Fritz are working on various conservation issues. Several Federation members are involved with Audubon New York’s Important Bird Area program. The Board of Directors has proposed a formal name change for the organization. Tim thanked the hosts of this year’s Annual Meeting, the people of Nuthatch Hollow Nature Preserve where the Board has met for the past year, the current officers and directors of the Federation, and “everyone who, currently or in the past, has contributed to making this organization a great one.”

Reports and Elections

John Confer made a motion to accept the membership application of ESF Birding Club from Syracuse, and Bob Mauceli seconded. Motion was approved unanimously.

John Ozard gave the NYSDEC report and passed out a summary of their bird conservation activities written by Bryan Swift.

The Treasurer’s Report dated December 31, 2002, was issued. The major expense (60% of total expenses) is publication of The Kingbird. The major source of income ($18,240 annually) is dues from individual members. The Auditing Committee Report indicates that the Federation’s finances are in good order.

Valerie Freer reports that about 4,400 Breeding Bird Atlas blocks have been visited, but about 1,000 have had no work done in them. More blockbusters will be hired for next year. Cornell University Press will be the publisher. The Atlas is funded largely by Return-A-Gift-To-Wildlife, with additional support from NYSDEC’s State Wildlife Grant and New York Audubon. Its budget reveals the Atlas will cost more than $1 million.

Tim Baird is the new editor for New York Birders and club editors should send their newsletters to him. The Kingbird is in fine shape with much material available. The new Checklist of the Birds of New York State with a yellow cover is now available.

The Conservation Committee received an excellent response from the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) in regards to our concerns about feral cat colonies and feeding stations in state parks. They have issued a draft of “Guidelines for Feral Cat Control in State Parks,” and OPRHP is requesting feedback. The Committee is working on a resolution regarding wind power in New York State, attended meetings regarding cormorants on Oneida Lake, and contacted NYSDEC regarding the effect of West Nile Virus and hunting on the American Crow population.

NYSARC has completed their work on 2001 reports and their findings will be published in the December 2003 issue of The Kingbird. They are currently working on reports from 2002.

Stanley Lincoln presented the report from the Nominating Committee. Nominated for 2003/04 are President – Kevin J. McGowan; Vice President – Andrew Mason; Corresponding Secretary – Timothy H. Baird; Recording Secretary – Brenda Best; and Treasurer – William B. Reeves. Nominated Directors are Robert G. Spahn, to fill a vacancy in the 2004 Class, and for the 2005 Class – Berna B. Lincoln, Robert Miller, and William Ostrander. Dorothy Crumb made a motion to accept the Nominating Committee Report as read, and Barb Butler seconded. Motion was approved unanimously.

Weather and the blackout affected field trips in 2003. A tentative 2004 field trip schedule has been developed, and Bill Lee is open to suggestions.

Phyllis Jones asks that papers from all past presidents be submitted to the Archivist.

Future annual meetings are scheduled for September 17-19, 2004, Ithaca, hosted by Cayuga Bird Club, and for September 23-25, 2005, Albany, hosted by Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club.

Andy Mason made a motion to accept the resolution regarding Bird Population Management as published in New York Birders and mailed to member clubs, and Gail Kirch seconded. With one nay vote, the motion was approved to accept the resolution with one change. In the first Resolved, the word “will” is to be changed to “should.”

Berna Lincoln made a motion to honor the 60th wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Levine and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloss. Seconded by Bill Lee and approved unanimously.

With a motion by Ellie Long seconded by Bill Lee, a Nominating Committee consisting of Sue Adair, Tim Baird, and Gail Seamans was elected unanimously. With a motion by Valerie Freer seconded by Gail Seamans, the Auditing Committee consisting of Irving Cantor, Peter Capainolo, and Emanuel Levine was re-elected unanimously.

Old Business

Bill Reeves made a motion to change the name of the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs, Inc. to New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. Seconded by Phyllis Jones. After some discussion pro and con, a roll call vote was taken. Motion was passed, 47 ayes to 21 nays. Valerie Freer made a motion, seconded by Berna Lincoln, to amend the By-laws Article I to change the name to New York State Ornithological Association, Inc. Bill Lee then made a motion to cast a unanimous vote to amend the By-laws Article I to change the name, which was seconded by Bob McKinney. Motion was approved unanimously.

New Business

Bob Mauceli asked about the role of individual members in governance, and Tim Baird indicated the Board would discuss this in the future.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:58 a.m.

Awards presented during the Saturday evening banquet:

Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Carena Pooth for her work on the Federation web site.

Lillian C. Stoner Award, which provides financial help to one or more high school seniors or college students so they may attend the Annual Meeting, was awarded to Yelena Samsonenko, who was nominated by Cayuga Bird Club.

John J. Elliott Award, given for the best article contributed to The Kingbird each year, was awarded to Michael D. Stubblefield and James D. Rising for their article entitled, “Review of Eastern and Spotted Towhee Taxa Based on Possible Spotted Towhee in Central Park, NYC – 26 April 2001” which appeared in The Kingbird Vol. 52 No. 3.

Gordon M. Meade Distinguished Service Award, given to individuals for outstanding service to the Federation, was awarded to Donald A. Windsor.

Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Best
Recording Secretary