New York State
Ornithological Association

For the birders and birds of the Empire State

NYSOA Publications

Need more?  See The Kingbird Decennial Index, 1991-2000Introduction    Titles    Authors    Subjects

The Kingbird
Index 2001-2003
Volumes  51-53

Authors       Photographers      Artists     Subjects

Donald A. Windsor

Entry numbers = volume:page
Numbers suffixed with n are NYSARC reports.
(H) = Seasonal Highlights.  (R_) = Region _
Articles are listed first; Regional Reports follow, separated by a "+".
Volume  51 begins at page 449.


Able, Kenneth P.  51:478n
Allaire, Kenneth  53:108
Andrle, Robert F.  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n
Baumgartner, Cathie A.  51:453
Benton, Allen H.  53:120
Best, Brenda  53:211
Block, Andrew  53:2
Bochnik, M.  52:106
Bochnik, Michael  51:557(R9)  51:635(R9)  51:730(R9)  51:813(R9)  52:93(R9)  52:184(R9)  52:274(R9)  52:376(R9)  53:83(R9)  53:169(9)  53:264(R9)  53:370(R9)
Bonter David  51:579
Brooks, Elizabeth W.  53:121
Buckley, P. A.  52:114
Burke, Thomas W.  51:450  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Butler, Barbara  51:591
Carr, Bernard P.  51:453
Collins, Joan  52:222
Collins, Joan E.  53:13
Connor, Anne  53:2
Crocoll, Scott  52:137
Crumb, Dorothy W.  51:500
D'Anna, Willie  51:478n  51:501  52:8n  52:290n  53:35  53:110  53:280n + 51:505(H)  51:599(H)  51:677(H)  51:773(H)  52:43(H)  52:140(H)  52:224(H)  52:336(H)
Dennis, Erica L.  52:217
Dennis, James H.  52:217
Dickerman, Robert W.  52:35
DiCostanzo, Joseph  53:5 + 53:129(H)
Drapeau, Glen  52:327
Dyer, Dale  53:103
Editor [Levine, Emanuel]  51:504  51:585  51:587  51:589  51:772  51:824  52:41  52:327  52:335  53:38  53:122  53:218
Edwards, Robert  51:586
Ewald, Brett M.  53:98
Fox, Kurt A.  53:214(H)
Freer, Valerie M.  52:114
Fritz, John  52:2
Futuyma, Douglas J.  52:2
Gillen, Paul  51:572
Graves, Jane Denker  51:551(R8)  51:630(R8)  51:724(R8)  51:809(R7)  52:87(R8)  52:179(R8)  52:269(R8)  52:372(R8)
Gretch, Mark  53:117
Griffith, Kevin C.  51:515(R2)  51:608(R2)  51:694(R2)  51:782(R2)  52:56(R2)  52:150(R2)  52:239(R2)  52:346(R2)  53:46(R2)  53:139(R2)  53:230(R2)  53:344(R2)
Guthrie, Andrew  53:334(H)
Haas, John  52:114
Harper, Lee  51:542(R6)  53:70(R6)
Horning, Edwin  51:583
Hunt, Spencer  53:353(R4)
Hynes, Kevin  51:661
Jones, P.  51:764
Kelling, Steve  52:38
Kelling, Taylor  52:38
Klick, Brendan  53:32
Klonick, Allan S.  51:582
Krueger, William  52:327
Lauro, Anthony J.  51:772
Lehman, Jay G.  53:207
Levine, Emanuel  52:119 (see also Editor)
Levine, Manny  53:122
Lincoln, Stanley R.  53:278
Lindsay, Patricia J.  51:665
Long, Robert E.  51:623(R6)  51:715(R6)  52:170(R6)  52:259(R6)  53:251(R6)
Lowe, Jim  51:478n
Marino, Cindy  53:205
Mason, Andrew  52:70(R4)  53:60(R4)
McGowan, Kevin  51:478n
McGowan, Kevin J.  52:8n  52:212  52:290n  53:280n
McGowan, Jay W.  52:212
McGuinness, Hugh  53:307
Miga, Richard E.  53:125
Mitchell, Charles  52:327
Mitra, S. S.  52:27  52:106  53:331
Mitra, Shaibal S.  51:665  53:280n
Morgante, Mike  51:509(R1)  51:603(R1)  51:686(R1)  51:776(R1)  52:49(R1)  52:144(R1)  52:230(R1)  52:340(R1)  53:39(R1)  53:134(R1)  53:222(R1)  53:339(R1)
NYSARC  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Okoniewski, Joseph C.  51:661
Ostrander, Bill  51:520(R3)  51:612(R3)  51:700(R3)  51:786(R3)  52:61(R3)  52:154(R3)  52:245(R3)  52:352(R3)  53:51(R3)  53:143(R3)  53:236(R3)  53:348(R3)
Paxton, Robert O.  51:478n  52:8n  52:220
Peterson, John M. C.  51:546(R7)  51:626(R7)  51:719(R7)  51:804(R7)  52:82(R7)  52:174(R7)  52:264(R7)  52:368(R7)  53:13  53:74(R7)  53:160(R7)  53:255(R7)  53:361(R7)
Petuh, Marie N.  53:203
Phillips, Gerard  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Purcell, Bill  51:534(R5)  51:618(R5)  51:708(R5)  51:793(R5)  52:75(R5)  52:165(R5)  52:253(R5)  52:358(R5)  53:63(R5)  53:152(R5)  53:244(R5)  53:357(R5)
Rising, Gerry  51:575  53:124
Rising, James D.  52:198
Salo, Tom  52:160(R4)  53:148(R4)
Salzman, Eric  51:751
Schiff, Seymour  51:560(R10)  51:638(R10)  51:734(R10)  51:817(R10)  52:95(R10)  52:188(R10)  52:280(R10)  52:380(R10)  53:87(R10)  53:173(R10)  53:268(R10)  53:373(R10)
Schneider, Kathryn J.  53:313
Scilingo, Mickey  51:798(R6)  52:362(R6)
Semple, David  51:579
Seyler, David A.  53:195
Sherony, Dominic F.  51:748  52:330  53:98  53:280n
Skelly, Jeanne  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Skelly, Sharon  51:579
Smith, Charles R.  51:478n  53:123
Spahn, Robert G.  53:9
Stanford, Rex G.  52:124  53:209
Stone, Ward B.  51:661
Stubblefield, Michael  51:587
Stubblefield, Michael D.  52:198  53:182
Sullivan, Eric  51:528(R4)
Swift, Bryan L.  51:758  52:321
Victoria, Matt  51:673
Watson, William  51:648  53:122
Wheat, Maxwell C. Jr.  51:590  51:682  51:771  52: 139  53:333
Williamson, Jacqueline  51:583
Wilson, Angus  51:460  51:478n  51:589  52:8n  52:290n  53:23  53:105  53:280n
Windsor, Donald A.  51:753  52:217  53:29
Wodinski, Cindy  52:41
Wollin, Alvin  51:560(R10)  51:638(R10)  51:734(R10)  51:817(R10)  52:95(R10)  52:188(R10)  52:280(R10)  52:380(R10)  53:87(R10)  53:173(R10)  53:268(R10)  53:373(R10)
Yandik, Will  53:79(R8)  53:164(R8)  53:259(R8) 366(R8)

Top of Page


Ausubel, Seth  52:335  53:4
Baldelli, Andrew  53:309  53:310
Baumlin, J.P.  53:204
Bochnick, Mike  52:110
Buckley, P. A.  52:29
Collins, Joan  53:17
Davis, Tom H.  51:463
Dennis, Erica L.  52:218  52:219
Deprez, Mark  53:297
Drapeau, Glen  52:328  52:329
Eriksen, H. & J./VIREO  51:464
Fung, Karen  53:109
Guthrie, Andrew  52:7  53:194
Haas, John  52:116
Horning, Edwin  51:583  51:584  51:586  51:672
Jeffrey  53:186
Kelling, S.  52:215
Klick, Brendan  53:33
Kotecki & Leavens  51:501
Lindsay, Patricia  52:290
McGowan, Jay W.  52:213
McGowan, Kevin  52:107
McGowan, Kevin and Jay  52:40  52:302  52:331  52:332  52:333  53:99  53:101  53:292
Passie, Jack  52:10
Plimpton, Sarah  52:221
Pooth, Carena  53:132
Schiff, Sy  51:573
Sime, Sean  51:572  53:291
Stanford, Rex  52:13  52:14  52:127  52:128  52:130  52:133  52:135  53:210
Stubblefield, M.  52:199  52:200  52:204  52:205
Stubblefield, Michael  51:588  51:657  51:660
Stubblefield, Michael D.  52:42  53:186  53:187  53:188
Victoria, Matt  52:331  53:11
Wilson, Angus  51:749  51:750  52:5  52:32  52:124  52:125  52:126  53:26  53:104  53:106  53:293
Zagmaster, Laurie  53:206

Top of Page


ACV  51:662
DeFrancisco, Leonard  52:296
Garcia, Yolanda  53:287
Phillips, Gerard  52:299

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A    B   C   D   E   F    G   H   I   J   K    L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   V   W

Advance-decline metrics  51:753
albatross, species  52:290n  53:280n
Albatross, Yellow-nosed  51:478n  52:8n
alcid, species  52:290n
Annual Meetings FNYSBC, Minutes
          2000 Waterloo  51:591
          2001 Liverpool  53:125
          2002 Owego  53:211
Ausable Point Campground  52:327
Avocet, American  51:478n  52:8n  53:280n + 53:339(R1)
Awards, FNYSBC
          Certificates of Appreciation
                    to Walt Sabin, Melanie Uhlir and Greg DeLisle, and Jeff Walsh  51:598
                    to Angus Wilson, Jeff and Sue Capolito, Mr. and Mrs. Williams  53:125
                    to Linda and Burt Goodenough  53:211
          Elon Howard Eaton to Stephen W. Eaton  51:598
                    to Carl George  53:211
          Gordon M. Meade to Robert Spahn  51:598
                    to Dorothy Crumb  53:125
                    to Valerie Freer  53:211
          John J. Elliott to John M. C. Peterson and G. Howard  51:598
                    to Andrew Guthrie and Angus Wilson  53:125
                    to Angus Wilson  53:211
          Lillian Stoner to Erin Hewett, Matt Williams  51:598
                    to Sarah Mae Pascoe  53:125
                    to Jessie Barry and Mike Andersen  53:211
          President's to Phyllis Jones  51:598
                    to Bob Miller  53:125
Bashakill Wildlife Management Area  52:327
Beaver Island State Park  51:648
          defensive  53:209
          fly gorging  53:117
          food locating  52:222
          prey caching  53:207
          snow burrowing  53:13
Bibliography NYS birding 2000  51:764
Big Year  51:673  51:772
Bittern, Least  52:290n
Blackbird, Brewer's  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Bluebird, Mountain  51:478n  52:8n
Booby, Brown  51:478n  53:280n
Braddock Bay  51:694(R2)
Brant  51:758  52:321
Brant, Black  53:280n
Breeding  51:648  52:119  52:217
Bryant Park  53:108
Bufflehead  51:758  52:321
Bunting, Lark  52:290n
Bunting, Lazuli  51:478n  52:119
Bunting, Painted  52:8n + 53:173(R10)
Bylot Island - Goose Central  53:23
Caching of prey  53:207
Camp Pinnacle  52:87(R8)
Canvasback  51:758  52:321
Cardinal, Northern  53:148(R4)
Central Park  52:198
Chat, Yellow-breasted  53:108
Checklist, NYS, changes  52:119  52:334  53:218  53:331
Checklist, NYS, new,
          listing 460 species  53:280n
          ordering  53:332
          taxonomic implications  53:331
Chickadee, Black-capped  51:579
Chickadee, Boreal  52:290n
Chickadee, Carolina  51:579  52:290n
Christmas Bird Count  51:753
Chuck-will's-widow  53:214(H)  53:244(R5)  53:357(R5)
Collared-Dove, Eurasian  53:98  53:280n + 53:45(R2)
Coot, American  51:758  52:321
Cormorant, Double-crested  51:758  52:321
Cormorant, Great  51:478n  51:758  52:321 + 53:230(R2)
Corrigenda  51:589  52:138  52:335  53:213 + 53:39(R1)
          Albany  52:8n  52:290n
          Allegany  53:121  53:313
          Broome  51:478n  53:203
          Cayuga  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Chautauqua  51:478n  52:290n  53:120  53:280n
          Chemung  51:478n  52:8n  53:280n  53:313
          Chenango  52:217  53:280n
          Clinton  51:478n  52:327  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Columbia  51:453  52:8n  52:290n
          Cortland  51:478n
          Dutchess  51:478n  51:661  53:280n
          Erie  51:478n  51:648  52:8n  52:290n  53:32  53:313
          Essex  53:117  53:313
          Franklin  52:290n
          Genesee  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:195  53:280n  53:313
          Greene  51:453
          Hamilton  52:8n  52:222  53:280n
          Herkimer  52:8n
          Jefferson  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Kings  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Lewis  53:313
          Livingston  51:478n  51:661  52:8n  52:290n  53:313
          Madison  51:478n  53:313
          Monroe  51:478n  51:579  51:661  52:330  52:8n  52:290n  53:9  53:98  53:205  53:280n  53:313
          Montgomery  53:207
          Nassau  51:450  52:2  52:8n  52:41  52:220  52:290n  52:335  53:2  53:5  53:105  53:280n  53:313
          New York  52:198  52:290n  53:108  53:280n
          Niagara  51:478n  51:661  52:8n  52:290n  53:122  53:280n  53:313
          Oneida  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n
          Onondaga  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Ontario  53:313
          Orange  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
          Orleans  52:8n  52:290n  53:195  53:280n  53:313
          Oswego  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Otsego  52:8n
          pelagic [county unknown]  53:280n  53:373(R10)
          Queens  51:478n  51:751  52:8n  52:290n  53:313
          Rensselaer  51:453  51:478n  53:313
          Richmond  52:8n  52:27  53:280n
          Rockland  52:8n  53:280n
          Saint Lawrence  51:478n  53:313
          Saratoga  51:478n  53:280n  53:313
          Schenectady  53:280n
          Schuyler  51:478n  52:8n  53:313
          Seneca  51:478n  52:8n  52:212  52:290n  53:280n  53:313
          Suffolk  51:478n  51:572  51:586  51:661  51:672  51:751  52:8n  52:290n  53:103  53:209  53:282n  53:307  53:313
          Sullivan  52:114  52:327  52:290n
          Tioga  51:478n  52:8n
          Tompkins  51:478n  52:8n  52:38  52:290n  53:280n
          Ulster  52:8n
          Washington  52:8n
          Wayne  51:478n  51:748  53:280n  53:313
          Westchester  51:478n  53:182  53:280n
          Wyoming  52:8n  52:290n
          Yates  52:8n
Counts, very high  53:74(R7)  53:87(R10)  53:139(R2)  53:148(R4)  53:152(R5)  53:173(R10)  53:222(R1)  53:268(R10)  53:334(H)  53:373(R10)
Cover, new blue  51:504
Crane, Sandhill  51:478n  51:587  51:589n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n + 53:222(R1)  53:334(H)  53:344(R2)
Crossbill, White-winged  52:119
Curlew, Long-billed  51:478n
D'Anna, Willie  53:38
Dates, egg  51:648
Dates, spring arrival  51:683  52:227  53:219
Democrat Point  51:665
Derby Hill  51:708(R5)  52:253(R5)  53:244(R5)
Documenting rare birds  53:110
Dove, Collared see Collared-Dove
Dove, White-winged  52:41  52:290n  53:98  53:280n
Dowitcher, Short-billed  52:290n
Drawing  51:662  52:296  52:299  53:287
Duck, American Black  51:758  52:321
Duck, Harlequin  51:758  52:321
Duck, Long-tailed  51:758  52:321
Duck, Ring-necked  51:758  52:321
Duck, Ruddy  51:758  52:321
Duck, Tufted  51:478n  52:290n  51:758  52:321  53:280n + 53:160(R7)  53:244(R5)
Duck, Wood  51:758  52:321
Eagle, Bald  53:353(R4)  53:373(R10)
Egg dates  51:648
Egret, Cattle  53:280n + 53:339(R1)
Egret, Great  51:648
Egret, Little  52:8n
Egret, Reddish  51:478n  52:119
Eider, Common  51:583  51:672  51:758  52:290n  52:321 + 53:157(R6)
Eider, King  51:758  52:321
Elliott, John J. Award  51:598  53:127  53:212
Falcon, Peregrine  53:209
Federation name change to NYS Ornithological Association  53:211  53:278
Finch, House  51:753 + 53:87(R10)
Fire Island  51:665
Fishers Island  51:672
Flies, cluster  53:117
Flycatcher, Ash-throated  52:8n  52:290n
Flycatcher, Fork-tailed  52:8n  52:290n
Flycatcher, Hammond's  52:2  52:119  53:280n
Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
Flycatcher, Vermilion  52:119
Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied  52:220
Fort Drum  53:334(H)
Gadwall  51:758  52:321
Gallinule, Azure  52:334
Gallinule, Purple  51:478n  52:327  52:290n  52:334 + 53:74(R7)  53:83(R9)
Gannet, Northern  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
Godwit, Black-tailed  51:572  52:119  53:280n
Godwit, Marbled  51:478n  52:8n  53:209  53:280n
Goldeneye, Common  51:758  52:321
Goldeneye, Barrow's  51:758  52:321
Goldeneye, Common x Merganser, Common  53:251(R6)
Golden-Plover, Pacific  53:307
Goose, Barnacle  52:290n + 53:173(R10)
Goose, Canada  51:758  52:321
Goose, Canada Branta canadensis minima  52:290n  53:280n
Goose, Canada Branta canadensis hutchinsii  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
Goose, Ross's  51:478n  52:8n  51:119  52:290n  53:23  53:280n
Goose, Snow  51:758  52:321  53:23 + 53:74(R7)
Goose, White-fronted  51:758  52:321
Gorging  53:117
Grackle, Boat-tailed  52:119
Grackle, Common  53:87(R10)
Graves, Jane Denker  53:38
Grebe, Pied-billed  51:758  52:321  53:195
Grebe, Horned  51:758  52:321
Grebe, Red-necked  51:758  52:321 + 53:222(R1)  53:268(R10)
Grebe, Eared  51:758  52:321
Grebe, Western  52:8n
Grosbeak, Black-headed  52:290n
Grosbeak, Blue  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  52:334 + 53:222(R1)
Grosbeak, Evening  52:217
Guillemot, Black  53:173(R10)
Gull, Black-headed  53:361(R7)
Gull, Black-tailed  52:8n
Gull, California  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Gull, Ivory  52:8n  52:290n
Gull, Laughing  53:280n
Gull, Lesser Black-backed  53:280n
Gull, Mew  51:478n  52:8n  52:119
Gull, Nelson's (Glaucous x Herring)  53:169(R9)
Gull, Ross's  52:119  53:9
Gull, Slaty-backed  52:114  52:212
Gull, Thayer's  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n
Gyrfalcon  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Hawk, Broad-winged  52:137
Hawk, Cooper's  53:373(R10)
Hawk, Red-shouldered  52:137
Hawk, Rough-legged  51:478n  52:8n  53:280n
Hawk, Swainson's  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
          Braddock Bay  51:694(R2)
          Camp Pinnacle  52:87(R8)
          Derby Hill  51:708(R5)  52:253(R5)  53:244(R5)
Heron, Great Blue  51:648  52:27  52:35 + 53:173(R10)
Heron, Great Blue Ardea herodias wardi  52:35
Heron, Great White  52:27  53:280n
Heron, Tricolored  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n
Howland, Douglas Obituary  51:504
Hudson River  51:453
Hummingbird, Anna's  51:478n  52:106  52:119
hummingbird, Archilochus species  52:106  53:182
Hummingbird, Black-chinned  53:182
Hummingbird, Calliope  52:106  53:280n + 53:87(R10)
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated  52:106  52:290n
Hummingbird, Rufous  52:106  52:119  53:280n + 53:83(R9)
Hummingbird, Selasphorus species  52:106
hummingbirds, vagrant  52:106
Hybrids  53:5
Ibis, White-faced  52:290n
Index 2001-2002 vol  51-52  53:29
Irondequoit Bay  52:330  53:9
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge  53:195
Jaeger, Long-tailed  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
Jaeger, Pomarine  53:280n
Jay, Gray  53:280n + 53:157(R6)
Jamaica Bay  53:23
Jones Beach  51:450  52:335
Jones Beach State Park  51:450  52:2
Junco, Dark-eyed  51:500
Junco, Dark-eyed, spectacled  53:255(R7)
Kiamesha Lake  52:114
Kingbird, Western  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n + 53:339(R1)
Kite, Mississippi  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Kite, Swallow-tailed  51:586  52:290n  53:280n
Letters  51:772
Long Island  51:665  51:751  52:41  52:220  53:105
Loon, Common  51:758  52:321
Loon, Pacific  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:103  53:280n + 53:173(R10)  53:230(R2)  53:236(R3)
Loon, Pacific/Arctic  51:478n  53:103
Loon, Red-throated  51:758  52:8n  52:321
Loon, Yellow-billed  51:758  52:8n  52:290n
Mallard  51:758  52:321
Mallard x Duck, American Black  51:758  52:321
Maps (exact pages)  51:460  51:476  51:477  53:26  53:319  53:322  53:323
Marten, Pine  52:222
Meade, Gordon Award  51:598  53:127  53:212
Meadowlark, Western  52:290n
Merganser, Hooded  51:758  52:321
Merganser, Common  51:758  52:321
Merganser, Common x Goldeneye, Common  53:251(R6)
Merganser, Red-breasted  51:758  52:321
Merlin  52:2  53:203 + 53:339(R1)  53:353(R4)
Migration  53:23
Mortality, airplane collisions  53:353(R4)
Mortality, vehicular collisions  51:661
Mortality, mass  51:661
Motor Island  51:648
Murre, Thick-billed  53:280n + 53:173(R10)
Murrelet, Ancient  52:119
Murrelet, Long-billed  52:38
Murrelet, Marbled  51:478n
Museum specimens  52:198
National Wildlife Refuge, Iroquois  53:195
Nest sites,
          Bridge  51:501
          Flowerpot  51:500
Nesting, new geographic area  53:203
Nesting, late  53:121  53:122
Nests, live prey in  52:137
Neversink Reservoir  52:114
New York State Ornithological Association  53:278
Niagara River  51:648
Nighthawk, Common  53: 120 + 53:334(R10)
Notes and Observations  51:772  53:122
NYSARC news  53:34n
NYSARC Reports,
          1998  51:478n
          1999  52:8n
          2000  52:290n
          2001  53:280n
          Howland, Douglas F.  51:582
          Klonick, Allan S.  53:124
          Spofford, Sally Hoyt  53:123  53:213
Olfaction by Common Raven  52:222
Oriole, Bullock's  53:280n
Osprey  53:280n
Owl, Boreal  53:280n
Owl, Great Horned  51:501
Owl, Northern Hawk  53:207  53:280n + 53:129(H)  53:164(R8)  53:259(R8)
Owl, Short-eared  53:313
Parakeet, Monk  53:222(R1)  53:264(R9)
Parrot, Red-crowned  52:290n
Parula, Northern  51:751
Pelican, American White  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n + 53:51(R3)
Phalarope, Red  52:334
Phalarope, Wilson's  52:119
Photographs (exact pages)  51:463  51:464  51:501  51:572  51:573  51:583  51:584  51:586  51:588  51:657  51:660  51:662  51:672  51:749  51:750  52:5  52:7  52:10  52:13  52:14  52:29  52:32  52:40  52:42  52:107  52:110  52:116  52:124  52:125  52:126  52:127  52:128  52:130  52:133  52:135  52:199  52:200  52:204  52:205  52:213  52:215  52:218  52:219  52:221  52:290  52:302  52:328  52:329  52:331  52:332  52:333  52:335  53:4  53:11  53:17  53:26  53:33  53:99  53:101  53:104  53:106  53:109  53:132  53:186  53:187  53:188  53:194  53:204  53:206  53:210  53:291  53:292  53:293  53:297  53:309  53:310
Photographs (exact pages) NYSARC members  52:290
Phoebe, Black  52:8n
Photography, scope  52:124
Pintail, Northern  51:758  52:321
Pipit, American  52:290n
Pipit, Sprague's  52:290n
Plover, Piping  51:478n  53:280n
Poems  51:590  51:682  51:771  52:139  53:333
Population study  53:195
Predictions of species added NYS checklist  52:119
President's Award  51:598  53:125
Preview of 2002 issues  51:824
Prey, caching  53:207
Prey, live in buteo nests  52:137
Puffin, Atlantic  53:173(R10)
Rail, King  53:268(R10)
Rare Bird Alerts, telephone numbers  53:338
Raven, Common  52:222
Razorbill  53:169(R9)
Record, first for NYS  51:572  53:2  53:307
Record, highest number  53:280n
Record, second for NYS  52:330  53:205
Record, first breeding for NYS  51:583 + 53:334(R2)
Redhead  51:758  52:321
Redpoll, Common  53:13
Redpoll, Hoary  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Redshank, Spotted  52:8n  52:119
Regional Reports, fall 2000  51:505(H)  51:509(R1)  51:515(R2)  51:520(R3)  51:528(R4)  51:534(R5)  51:542(R6)  51:546(R7)  51:551(R8)  51:557(R9)  51:560(R10)
Regional Reports, fall 2001  52:43(H)  52:49(R1)  52:56(R2)  52:61(R3)  52:70(R4)  52:75(R5)  52:81(R6 missing)  52:82(R7)  52:87(R8)  52:93(R9)  52:95(R10)
Regional Reports, fall 2002  53:35(H)  53:39(R1)  53:46(R2)  53:51(R3)  53:60(R4)  53:63(R5)  53:70(R6)  53:74(R7)  53:79(R8)  53:83(R9)  53:87(R10)
Regional Reports, spring 2001  51:677(H)  51:686(R1)  51:694(R2)  51:700(R3)  51:707(R4 missing)  51:708(R5)  51:715(R6)  51:719(R7)  51:724(R8)  51:730(R9)  51:734(R10)
Regional Reports, spring 2002  52:224(H)  52:230(R1)  52:239(R2)  52:245(R3)  52:253(R4 missing)  52:253(R5)  52:259(R6)  52:264(R7)  52:269(R8)  52:274(R9)  52:280(R10)
Regional Reports, spring 2003  53:214(H)  53:222(R1)  53:230(R2)  53:236(R3)  53:244(R4 missing)  53:244(R5)  53:251(R6)  53:255(R7)  53:259(R8)  53:264(R9)  53:268(R10)
Regional Reports, summer 2001  51:773(H)  51:776(R1)  51:782(R2)  51:786(R3)  51:793(R4 missing)  51:793(R5)  51:798(R6)  51:804(R7)  51:809(R8)  51:813(R9)  51:817(R10)
Regional Reports, summer 2002  52:336(H)  52:340(R1)  52:346(R2)  52:352(R3)  52:357(R4 missing)  52:358(R5)  52:362(R6)  52:368(R7)  52:372(R8)  52:376(R9)  52:380(R10)
Regional Reports, summer 2003  53:334(H)  53:339(R1)  53:344(R2)  53:348(R3)  53:353(R4 missing)  53:357(R5)  53:361(R6 missing)  53:361(R7)  53:366(R8)  53:370(R9)  53:373(R10)
Regional Reports winter 2000-01  51:599(H)  51:603(R1)  51:608(R2)  51:612(R3)  51:618(R4 missing)  51:618(R5)  51:623(R6)  51:626(R78)  51:630(R8)  51:635(R9)  51:638(R10)
Regional Reports, winter 2001-02  52:140(H)  52:144(R1)  52:150(R2)  52:154(R3)  52:160(R4)  52:165(R5)  52:170(R6)  52:174(R7)  52:179(R8)  52:184(R9)  52:188(R10)
Regional Reports winter 2002-03  53:129(H)  53:134(R1)  53:139(R2)  53:143(R3)  53:148(R4)  53:152(R5)  53:157(R6)  53:160(R7)  53:164(R8)  53:169(R9)  53:173(R10)
Regional Reports, missing (R4),
          spring 2001  51:707(R4)
          spring 2002  52:253(R4)
          spring 2003  53:244(R4)
          summer 2001  51:793(R4)
          summer 2002  52:357(R4)
          winter 2000-01  51:618(R4)
Regional Reports missing (R6),
          fall 2001  52:81(R6)
          summer 2003  53:361(R6)
Review of sightings  51:460  51:665  51:751  52:27  52:106
Review of sightings, ecology, breeding, status, and literature  53:313
Robin, American  53:152(R4)
Sandpiper, Baird's  52:290n
Sandpiper, Broad-billed  51:478n
Sandpiper, Curlew  51:460  51:478n  51:589
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed  52:330  52:119 + 53:35(H)  53:46(R2)
Scaup, Greater  51:758  52:321
Scaup, Lesser  51:758  52:321
scaup, species  51:758  52:321
Scent (see Olfaction)
Schodack Island State Park  51:453
Scoter, Surf  51:758  52:321
Scoter, White-winged  51:758  52:321 + 53:148(R4)
Scoter, Black  51:758  52:321 + 53:268(R10)
scoter, species  51:758  52:321
Seatuck Creek  51:572
Shearwater, Audubon's  51:478n  52:290n + 53:373(R10)
Shearwater, Manx  53:264(R9)
Shelduck, Common  52:8n
Sherony, Dominic F.  53:34n
Shoveler, Northern  51:758  52:321
Shrike, Loggerhead  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n + 53:222(R1)
shrike, species  53:280n
Sightings, review of  53:48  53:307  53:313
Skua, Great  53:173(R10)
Skua, South Polar  51:665 + 53:268(R10)
Snow bathing  53:13
Snow burrowing  53:13
Solitaire, Townsend's  52:290n  53:280n
Sparrow, Cassin's  51:450  52:119  52:290n
Sparrow, Field (Spizella pusilla arenacea)  53:280n
Sparrow, Fox  52:8n
Sparrow, Harris's  51:478n  52:290n
Sparrow, House  53:348(R3)
Sparrow, Lark  53:280n
Sparrow, Le Conte's  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Sparrow, Nelson's Sharp-tailed  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Sparrow, Savannah  51:450
Sparrow, Savannah, with hybrid song  53:361(R7)
Species, alien  51:575
Spoonbill, Roseate  52:334
Starfish kill  53:268(R10)
Starling, European  51:661
State Parks,
          Beaver Island  51:648
          Captree  53:103
          Hempstead  53:103
          Jones Beach  51:450  52:2  53:2  53:5
          Schodack Island  51:453
Status in NYS  51:665  53:313
Stewart Park  52:38
Stint, Little  52:119  52:290n
Stint, Long-toed  52:119  52:335
Stint, Red-necked  52:119  52:290n
Storm-Petrel, Band-rumped  53:280n
Storm-Petrel, White-faced  52:8n  53:280n + 53:373(R10)
Stoner, Lillian Award  51:598  53:125  53:211
Stork, Wood  51:748  53:280n
Survey, bird  51:453  51:758
Swallow, Cave  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n + 53:87(R10)
Swallow, Cliff  53:339(R1)
Swallow, Tree  53:160(R7)
Swan, Mute  51:758  52:321 + 53:139(R2)
Swan, Trumpeter  51:478n  51:575  51:758  52:290n  52:321  53:280n + 53:139(R2)
Swan, Tundra  51:758  52:321
Swift, Chimney  52:290n
Tanager, Summer  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n  53:280n
Tanager, Western  51:478n  52:290n  53:280n
Teal, Cinnamon  51:478n
Teal, Blue-winged  51:758  52:321
Teal, Green-winged  51:758  52:321
Tern, Arctic  52:8n  52:290n
Tern, Bridled  52:290n
Tern, Cayenne  52:290n
Tern, Least  53:32 + 53:373(R10)
Tern, Sandwich  51:478n + 53:87(R10)
Tern, Sooty  51:478n
Thrush, Bicknell's  52:290n
Thrush, Varied  53:105
Thrush, Wood  53:280n
Tit, Great  52:290n
Titmouse, Tufted  53:122
Towhee, Eastern  52:198
Towhee, Spotted  52:198  53:280n
Turkey, Wild  53:121
Vallely, Andrew C.  51:504
Veery  51:478n
Vulture, Black  51:478n  51:587  52:8n  52:119  52:290n
Vulture, Turkey  53:280n
Warbler, Hermit  52:335  53:2  53:5
Warbler, Hermit x Townsend's  52:335  53:5 + 53:35(H)  53:87(R10)  53:173(R10)
Warbler, MacGillivray's  52:8n  52:119  53:205 + 53:334(H)  53:344(R2)
Warbler, Prothonotary  53:366(R8)
Warbler, Tennessee  53:280n
Warbler, Yellow-rumped  53:117
Warbler, Yellow-throated  51:478n  52:8n  52:290n
Warbler, Virginia  52:290n  53:280n
Warbler, Worm-eating  53:222(R1)
Waterfowl Counts NYS,
          2001  51:758
          2002  52:321
Waterthrush, Northern  53:139(R2)
Waxwing, Bohemian  53:280n
Wheatear, Northern  52:8n  53:280n
Whip-poor-will  53:334(H)
Wigeon, Eurasian  51:758  52:321
Wigeon, American  51:758  52:321
Wildlife Management Areas,
          Oak Orchard  53:195
          Tonawanda  53:195
Wildlife Refuge, National, Iroquois  53:195
Willet  53:373(R10)
Wolfe's Pond Park  52:27
Woodpecker, American Three-toed  53:280n
Woodpecker, Black-backed  51:478n  52:8n  53:280n
Woodpecker, Lewis's  52:119  53:280n
Wren, Rock  52:119

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